Lord Hoods Dilemma

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Tevva, Tievva, and Six woke up the next day feeling rested.
The trio all looked at each other before getting up and walking out of the room.
Only to be greeted by Rey Toppler, Hale and Mary.

"Ah good morning Six."

Six was confused as to why the team was here and took a more defensive stance.

"Good morning"
Six responded bluntly

"We where just about to get you, Lord Hood wants you there for the diplomatic hearing."

Hearing this Six immediately walked off towards Lord Hoods location.

Six kept walking Making it to Lord Hood who was talking to two honor guard elites.

"Ahh Six good to see your still with us."
Hood said sarcastically

"Now I'm going to be very busy with peace conferences today and I would like you to be there with me as they are going on."

Six shook his head in agreement.
"Yes sir."

"This isn't going to be easy Noble, the sangheili have been fighting me on every thing lately so I don't expect it to be any easier now."

With that said the two walked off with the elite honor guards being brought to a room with a large circular table in the middle and carpeted floor
A large metal chandelier hung in the middle with four elite statues one on each wall of the room.

Already sitting down was the eldest of the Keep
Sves Veduma
And Tevva's father Reth Vaduuma.

Lord Hood sat down at the edge of the table with noble six standing next to him.
Then the room filled with a wave of five diplomats
Including Phillip Rowley.
Phillip turned and seeing that it was Noble Six who would be joining them he scoffed before sitting down.

Then a wave of elites all walked in, and Sves Stood up.
"We are almost ready to begin the hearing, he will be arriving shortly."

Just then metal foot steps could be heard clanking in the sand block floor the door opened making a squeak as it turned.
Then the
Arbiter stepped inside wearing his gold ceremonial armor
"Hello Lord Hood It is good to see you again."

"Like wise arbiter, now can we begin?"

"Yes let's begin already!"
Phillip Rowley shouted causing the arbiter to turn and face the agent in disgust.

"Yes we may begin."
The arbiter said as he sat down in the largest chair.

"So our terms are simple we want access to ex covenant materials as well as forunner artifacts."
Lord Hood said plainly.

The arbiter spoke "Yes that seems fair"

Sves spoke up standing from his chair
"That is outrageous we cannot allow them access to our sacred relics! That is heresy!"

"Calm yourself Sves Veduma. After our campaign against their race it is only fair we allow them access to our relics."
The arbiter stated putting his hand up in defense.

"Then what about our terms!"
Sves shouted enraged at arbiters antics.

"Yes our terms."
The arbiter turned to face lord Hood and spoke.

"We wish for aid from humans in technology, and space support, aswell as agriculture."

Lord Hood was about to speak when Phillip intervened.

"That sou("are you mad!")

"How dare you think you have the right to make demands of us."

"Phillip Rowley you are out of line if you speak up like that again you will be kicked from these meetings."
Lord Hood Spoke in a demanding and powerful tone.

Six just stood there unmoving, like a wall he stood strong not saying a word honestly it intimidates some elites but that was the point of him being there.

Just then a diplomat leaned in and whispered into Lord hoods ear.
Lord Hood nodded in agreement.

"Very well but the unsc will create 3 bases on Sangheilios near the forunner artifacts."

The arbiter said plainly and stoutly.

Sves spoke up again standing from his chair.
"Enough! I will not sit here and allow these insects to
Desecrate our holy relics!"

"Sves that is enough! Are you speaking out against your arbiter!?"

"N..not at all."
Sves sat back down.
3 hours passed with the elites and humans lashing at each other back and forth
Terms were made and terminated quickly until both sides were finally content.

"Well with that I consider these hearings completed."
The arbiter said to lord Hood standing from his seat and reaching out his hand in a diplomatic handshake.

"Thank you for your cooperation Arbiter."
Lord Hood said with a small smile on his face.

The diplomats filed out of the room leaving Six the Arbiter and Lord Hood.

"Arbiter I would like to introduce you to my company Noble Six."
Lord Hood said putting a hand on six's shoulder and another out to Arbiter.

"Ahh I have hear much about you Noble Six."
The arbiter said in acknowledgement.
Reaching his hand out and shaking Noble Six's

"Like wise."
Six said swiftly both parties were honored to be in the presence of such fine warriors.

"Well do excuse me I have many meetings to attend to with other keeps."

"Of course."
Is all six said.
With that Arbiter nodded and walked out of the room
After arbiter left lord Hood took a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Well that was exhausting."
Lord Hood said taking his hat off and wiping his brow with the back of his hand.

"At least it's over, sir."

"Indeed Noble. Thank you for being here."

"Of course sir."

With that said lord Hood walked off leaving Six alone in the room to think.
Just then Tevva knocked on the wall to inform Six that she was there.

"Hello Six!"

Six replied back.

"I wish to show you something please follow me."
Tevva said waving her hand motioning for six to follow
Six tilted his head but ultimately followed the elite.


Wellllllll guess who's back!!!!!!

That's right it's me!
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