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It's been an entire week since Noble left earth
Just a couple more hours till they make it to Sangheilios.

Six had little trouble adjusting to the ship
He's been on plenty of cruisers.....just blowing them up.
But this cruiser
seemed to be more for comfort then for war
It had a pool, a weight room and even a track.
Six decided to continue doing his daily work out
Of 12 laps full sprint no stops and 300 push-ups
A day.
He had to keep his body in shape to make sure he was prepared for anything
Of course he's in full armor while doing his work out.

As he was finishing his push ups
Tevva walked in through the door.

"Demon? I was told this was where I could find you."

Six stood up he would've been drenched in sweat if it wasn't for the built in cooling system of his armor.

"Yeah... huff... what do you need?"
"We will be arriving at Sangheilios in a few hours."
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot."

"I am giving everyone warning to grab there things and be ready."

Six said to himself knowing that it had something to do with Phillip

"Phillip has decided that he will not come out of his room to do a briefing."

"Everyone's waiting at his door?"
"Ok let's go..."
Six said as they began walking to Phillips room
Where Six could see 3 Spartans and the diplomats waiting outside.

Knock ,knock ,knock!
"Let's go! We've been waiting on you forever!"
One spartan yelled through the door.

"Give it a rest would ya, we should just leave him
He's been nothing but annoying the whole ride here."
The other spartan said.

After a couple more minutes of waiting
Tevva decided to override the door tired of this idiots actions

Only to see Philip sleeping in his bed with earmuffs and a blindfold on snoring.

This infuriated all the Spartans one walking into his room with his hand raised ready to hit Phillip over the head

Six grabbed the Spartans arm mid air
While waving his hand suggesting no

The spartan grunted but wanted to see what six had planned and watched

Six carefully took Phillips earmuffs of and went to set Phillips alarm

"Scoff typical he didn't even set his alarm."
Six said annoyed

Six decided that he's already used this joke and needed to think of another one
He began searching around looking for something anything.....
"Hmmm" the other spartan lost his patience pushing six back and slapping Philip in the face waking Phillip up with a scream and leaving a red hand print on his face


Six was trying not to assault Phillip because that could lead to a demotion
But the spartan did it anyway.

Phillip still had his blindfold on and screamed
"Help!" "Help!"
I'm being attacked this made the others in the hall burst out in laughter
Except for Lord Hood who was only smirking in delight.

"Get up you bloody Wanker!"
The Spartan yelled.

"We've been waiting on your ass for an hour!"

Phillip took his blindfold off, his face was red with embarrassment
"G..Get Out!!"
He screamed at the Spartans and threw his pillow at the door closing it....

"Damn I'm so sick of that guy."
"You shouldn't have hit him."
"Oh and why not?"

"Because if he decides to tell Oni you could be demoted."

Noble Six Diplomacy Where stories live. Discover now