The Duel

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Walking down the hall the group trailed behind Six while the marines praised Six and egging him on. Tevva and Tievva weren't so Thrilled at the duel fearing it could end badly.

"You got this lieutenant!"
One marine shouted

"Yeah come on! squid heads got nothin on you!"
Another shouted

While the marines cheered and whistled
Tievva put her hands together and squeezed nervously.
Tevva noticed this and nudged her sister gently

"Hey what's got you so frightened?"
Tevva said with a reassuring smile.

"N.nothing! It's just this is all my fault."

Tevva shouted allowed

"Suttevv needs to be put in his place and this Spartan is here to show it to him you did nothing wrong."
Tevva said reassuring her sister that it was Noble Six's idea to get involved.

"You are right... I just feel..."
Tievva looked passed the small group of marines in front of her focusing on the triumphant walk of the spartan.

"Uhh Sister?"
Tevva said startling Tievva from her daze causing her cheeks to turn a light blue hue.

"I feel responsible for all this is all!"
Tievva shouted swiftly out of embarrassment

Tevva felt a bit of a burning feeling in her bosom after seeing Teivva blush at the spartan but she didn't know why.

The group walked to a large exit where two Sangheili  guards stood with small square windows directly behind them.

"Open the doors the Demon has arrived!"
Tevva shouted sternly at the elites who clutched the door handles swinging them open Six walked down the three small stone steps and onto the grass of the courtyard.

Six took a quick look around the courtyard swaying his head left to right noticing large plants that had a soft glow to them in the moonlight
And what seemed to be Sangheili versions of benches spread across the yard

Looking to his left Six saw large fires on sand stone pillars even through his helmets ventilator he could smell a slightly sweet aroma.

"Ahhh the cowardly demon arrives."
Suttevv shouted arrogantly.

"The coward walks towards his defeat."
The elite boasted punching his chest

Six walked to the fires as he took his steps a small little bug flew in front of his visor and emitted a soft yellow glow
Sangheilios fireflies began flying around making a gentle glow around the court yard.

Continuing down the small path to the arena six passed up a bench full of drunken Sangheili who laughed and chuckled as he passed.

The marines who trailed behind six found an empty bench they assumed was there for them and sat down whispering to each other and placing bets.

"I'm voting on Six he's got this in the bag."

"Ive got 30 on the elite."

"I'll take you up on that bet. That's the easiest 30 I'll ever make."

Lord Hood sat down at the bench aswell at the same time as the other Spartans except Iris who was still walking with Six, Tevva and Tievva.

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