A Brief Console

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Six would walk to the briefing, where Reth Vaduuma, Lord Hood, and Sves Vaduuma were gathered,  as he walked through the yellow sanded halls, he listened to the clank of his boots,

3 days in the infirmary was to long, what had he missed in that time.

Moving forward, he would notice the large wooden doors leading to the room where the briefing was being held, as he got closer he heard yelling
Both Sangheili and human, he could hear lord hood
Raising his voice in anger, unusual for the old man.

Walking faster, Six would get to the door to see two honor guards standing out front.

Both looking at the Spartan they scoffed at him

Irritating Six

"I've been invited to this hearing let me pass."
Is all six said

The two Honor Guards stared at the Spartan raising their spear like weapons.

Six felt Rage his testosterone and adrenaline started kicking, and he could feel the testosterone booster pumping something was off,

The elites stood still feeling the energy emanating off of six.

Six made a fist ready to destroy these Elites
Hearing more shouting from the opposite side of the door
He brought his fist up and smashed the stone wall
Next to the honor guard

Six could tell something was wrong, he's usually calm and collected

His adrenaline booster someone must have tampered with it,

Just then Lord Hood opened the wooden door walking out after hearing the smashing of stone and feeling the wall shake.

"Noble, what the hell is going on."
Lord hood stated loudly at the Spartan

Six took multiple breaths, but he couldn't quell his adrenaline fueled rage, he felt his chest tighten and his heart skip, someone had tampered with his suit

The Spartan walked away as calmly as he could

Leaving the keep in a hurry
As Lord Hood watched with question as to what happened.

Six would leave the keep into the tight jungle like forest, he would not ruin the diplomatic relations with the Elites.
Not because his suit was malfunctioning.

Taking steps into the jungle with no Elites around his adrenaline booster shut off leaving the Spartan tired, continuing to walk Six would see glowing blue plants that looked similar to Lilly's back on earth

Taking more steps into the incredible jungle it got darker and darker, the ground was sand with patches of grass and alien plants scattered but the trees were what caught his attention, they were enormous at least 150 feet, taking a walk to clear his head felt good, Six continued down the small trail

Luckily six had his radar, to find his way back to the massive stone Keep,

But as six walked he noticed somthing in one of the trees, it was camouflaged,  the red Hugh of a visor and a sudden very fast movement, Six knew whatever was camouflaged was a threat and took a defensive stance pulling the knife on his chest out of its holster, then Six was shot by a plasma rifle

Taking down half of his shield, turning to face what was behind him, it was a red elite, six had never seen an elite like this before in all of his years as a Spartan, a glowing blood red visor

Six ran at the elite, striking the air with his knife as the elite dodged the attack, six would strike again missing his target, "Adrenaline levels Critical."

His hud blinked as another wave of plasma struck six and an energy sword lashed into his chest

A punctured lung.

Six would slice the air again as if his lung had not been damaged

"These elites are fast."

Six would think to himself

Activiating his Radio six immediately called for assistance.

As the elite faced Six, the other jumped from the tree landing behind the Spartan causing him to turn to keep them both in his sight.

Six felt the lack of oxygen in his lungs, causing his mind to go black

Forcing himself to stay awake he held his ground,
as third elite appeared
Activating its energy sword.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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