Spartans Never Die

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(Oni HQ)

"So you still want to go to Sangheilios Rey?"
Oni's lead director said through the Spartans radio.

"Well sir putting it under considerable thought I have decided that it's best to send us."
The British Spartan said through this red helmet.

"Haha.. so Hale convinced you I see."
Hector said with a chuckle.

"Yes you could say that haha."
The spartan chuckled nervously rubbing his neck.

"Okay Spartan you've been briefed on sangheilios before so your set to go. Get your asses on that frig."

"Sir yes sir."
The spartan said turning of his radio and turning around seeing two Spartans behind him.

"Well who's ready for a vacation?"
The spartan said to the group

"Yes! We're going to Sangheilios!!"
The green female spartan  two said jumping from her seat.

"So what's our job again?"
The third spartan said looking at Rey

"We've already been briefed on this Mary. Let's get on that frig."


Six made it to his bed and collapsed from exhaustion
Staring directly at the ceiling of his room, his mind began to wander back to the duel.
He kept thinking about how easy he went on the elite Knowing he could've easily ended the fight in a single punch but he wanted to put on a decent show for the marines seeing that they where so excited.

"I shouldn't have gone easy on him."
Six said to himself closing his eyes and groaning in pain.

"Of course I let him get a few hits in, I had to make it a little entertaining. Hehe..ow.."
Six said chuckling softly and holding his abdomen in slight pain.
Exhaustion taking over Six's mind went blank and he fell asleep.


Noble six was standing on the large metal platform
Staring directly at the glassed orange sky as banshees and phantoms flew above him.
He could feel the vibrations of the glassing rays under his feet and the sandy wind scraping his armor.
Bringing his DMR to his chest Six Trudged down the steps towards the ruined building.
Stepping inside Six saw two dead Spartans, one still holding his spartan laser in his arms.
Grabbing the spartan laser Six
heard a familiar voice.

"Wort wort wort."

Hearing this Six ran outside the door of the building charging up the Spartan laser and turning.
The ultra elite pointed at Six just before being blasted with a powerful red Ray.
A group of grunts seeing that their captain was dead ran at six with their grenades in hand.
Pulling out his DMR the spartan fired directly at the grunts head, in return it threw its grenades landing on the other two blowing them up in an array of colors.
Six swore he could heard children cheering after that but payed it no mind.
Turning around Six was hit by a blast of plasma
Damaging his shield but causing no real damage.
Running towards the plasma Six was attacked by two elite minors.
charging full speed Six jumped on top of the elite pulling out Emile's knife and jamming it directly in the aliens throat.
Enraged the second elite grabbed the Spartans neck picking him up and opening his mandibles, screaming directly at the Spartans visor.
Reaching his hands behind him Six grasped his spartan laser picking it up and slamming it down on the elites head, hearing a crack the alien let go of Six falling to its knees and holding its head. Before it could scream in pain Six aimed his DMR directly at its head and fired killing it instantly.
Turning around Six saw another dead spartan with a sniper and a bubble shield.
Seeing that his DMR was almost out of ammo Six replaced it with the sniper and bubble shield.
Right After taking the sniper
Six hear a loud hissing noise coming from above.
Looking up Six saw a huge ball of blue plasma
Falling towards him.
Throwing down his bubble shield at the last second the plasma exploded breaking his bubble shield. Six ran towards the wraith at full speed jumping on top of it.
With no grenades left The spartan had no choice but to beat the vehicle until the elite inside was visible.
Punching the entrance repeatedly Six busted through the top.
The elite tried reaching its hands up to grab the spartan but was to slow, as Six repeatedly struck the elite until the wraith itself lit fire.
Seeing that the wraiths computer turned from blue to red, Six jumped off and ran back towards the only building in the area. As the vehicle exploded into a purple fire.
running to the other side of the building Six noticed 2 more dead Spartans.
Seeing a large squad of grunts and elites he took out his sniper and aimed down the sight directly at the ultra and fired. However the elites shields where to strong and the bullet deflected off Doing nothing more then giving away the Spartans location.
The elite pointed at the spartan showing the other elites where he was and shouting.
"Wort wort wort."

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