Lost In The Halls

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Six and Tevva walked through the halls Tevva led the way as Six couldn't coordinate through the halls twist and turns. each corridor looked the same with
Statues at every corner and paintings on every wall.

Even though Tevva led Six through the halls she never went passed him if Six slowed down she would slow down aswell refusing get more then a couple feet in front of him.

The two continued wandering to the other rooms collecting each individual
With every door opened a shocked face in each person who saw Tevva followed.

No one knew she was actually female and it made Tevva laugh at each reaction.

After everyone was gathered Tevva finally started walking in front of the group leaving Six in the comfort of solitude.

Until Iris caught up to him....

Iris yelled softly speeding up to catch him.

"Iris what's up?"

Six said blankly.
Six was tired of socialization. This mission was to social and cooperative for a spartan 3
It's the exact opposite of what he was trained for his whole life.

"This place is amazing isn't it!?"
Iris shouted  throwing her hands up to
Emphasize her excitement.

"Yes it's very amazing."
Six said grudgingly.

"Woah what's got you so pissed off?"

"I'm just tired I haven't been able to sleep very well for the last few months."

"Well don't take it out on me I'm just trying to be your friend stop being such an introvert!"
Iris said rather loudly irritating Six as he remembered the dream he had last night.

Six held back his anger realizing that he was rude with how he answered. Six was about to apologize
To Iris. But she decided to continue.

"Like for Christ's sake what is so hard about talking to people!"

Six felt the burning sensation in his chest.
It was a mix of anger and annoyance.

Lord Hood was upset at Iris's behavior towards six and intervened.

"That's enough. Noble has seen and been through more then a few Battles throughout the years. He's seen more then a couple soldiers fall. while I understand he was rude with his response.
That's no excuse for you to berate him on his personality."

Iris looked at lord Hood and back at Six

"Do I make myself clear?"

"Sir yes sir"
Iris said looking at six and apologizing.

Six put his hand on Iris's shoulder and apologized aswell
"No hard feelings?"

"No hard feelings"
Six answered

"I do hope we can get to the dining hall before we have another fight."
Tevva said turning forward and motioning her hand for the group to follow.

The group continued walking Six trailed behind Looking back Iris saw him getting farther and farther behind but she turned back around remembering how Six wanted to be left alone.

Six followed the group but continued thinking
About his dream he was lost in thought. He didn't want to say it but he was scared... when he realized he'd taken his armor off while around so many elites his heart skipped.

The group stopped right in front of a large double door at least twice the size of Six.
However Six was so lost in thought he continued walking and bumped into one of the other Spartans

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