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Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades,

You'll never know the psychopath sitting next to you,
You'll never know the murderer sitting next to you,
You'll think, "How'd I get here, sitting next to you?"
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“Sorry to break this to you fatso, but this is exactly how a psychopath is supposed to be. Emotionless” he said. It didn't make sense because one, 'a psychopath is supposed to be' was not correct, because 'supposed to be' means generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so. So this implied he was stating something that he was not? Or he would have said something else or just brushed it off but he chose to emphasize providing the detail about his being. And two, Octavio, was the most intelligent person in the Mafia, he knows exactly what to do and when to do whenever they are on a mission, he studies the case and acts accordingly and I've read somewhere that psychopaths are not intelligent, but he could be exceptional. Nevertheless, I was certain that he wasn't mentally impaired, he was not at all manipulative. Nothing justified or matched the signs of Octavio being a psychopath. 

But why would he say that he was a psychopath? Unless he was manipulated and told to be one? 

“When did you find out that you were a psychopath?” I questioned. I was determined to unravel his so-called psychopathic self. 

“3” He replied dryly and swivelled his head back to his dinner. I gasped in shock, How come a 3-year-old would know about a mental disorder? This hinted to me that I was correct when I thought 'he was manipulated'. Because when I was three I couldn't differentiate between the letter I and T. Then now he knew that he was a psychopath? There was something twisted and I could feel that. Perhaps he was not a psychopath, someone made him believe that he was one.  

“You were three years old when you found out that you were a psychopath?” I queried “Or you were three years old when someone told you that you were a psychopath?” I added, staring at him with a glimmer of challenge and confidence. 

“The latter one” he replied, still not looking at me. 

I turned to Levi and whispered, “Does he belong to a mafia family or something?” He said 'no' with a nod of his head. I was not quite sure why I asked Levi this question, but it helped me confirm my suspicion that he wasn't a psychopath. 

I cleared my throat “Octavio, I'm not quite sure if you are a psychopath” I said, gaining a gasp from Ace while Hunter looked as if I was joking and Zayn on the other hand seemed intrigued by the topic.  

“He is a psychopath, trust me,” Ace said and I chose to ignore him. 

 “What kind of a sane person would kill his own sister?” Octavio hissed, slamming his hands on the table. His eyes were conveying two unexpressed emotions, guilt and hurt. Seemed as he was regretting killing his sister. 

“Did you kill her because you wanted to? Or because someone told you to do it so?” I asked confidently. 

“That's none of your business” he snapped, turning his face back to his plate, his jaw clenched. His face was turning red. He was getting angry and so was I since I was in the middle of a very important mission of unravelling Octavio and he wasn't cooperating, I was aware of how sensitive this topic was for him but in the end, it was going to benefit, one way or another and I was certain of that. 

“Don't you dare pull that ‘none of your business card’ on me when I'm in the middle of something very crucial! Now, tell me who told you to kill her before my anger escalates” I snapped, raising my voice in anger. 

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