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“But nothing ever gets me high like this
I pick my poison and it's you”

The fast pumping of my heart never slowed down; even when I tried to distract myself I couldn’t stop thinking about our kiss. Every time I recalled the kiss from the last night, shivers ran down my spine. That kiss held so much power in it that it still got me hallucinating over it. I was standing in front of the mirror wearing a brown satin dress ending above my knees and thinking about the kiss on loop. Every ounce of my body wanted his rough lips on mine again. I was craving for his lips. I felt as if I was addicted to the kiss. It was pathetic, my addiction. How could someone get addicted to a mere kiss? That kiss was great. Heavenly. The way he ran his tongue was mesmerising.

Letting out a sharp breath, I curled my remaining hair. I slept quite peacefully last night but as the sun showed up I was getting anxious about how Zayn would react. I glanced at myself in the mirror for the last time, to check if I was looking okay. I was awakened by a stranger, who happened to be one of Zayn’s men. He told me to dress up ‘nicely’ because apparently there were some reputed guests in Zayn’s office who wanted to see me. Two things were haunting me, one, he mentioned reputed guests, that is, more than one. And two, they wanted to see ‘me’. These two haunting things gave rise to two possibilities either, I was in trouble or Zayn told them about me. It was haunting because I’ve never dressed up in a luxurious dress just for some random meet and greet at nine in the morning. Fucking annoying.

Getting out of the room, I noticed the same guy who woke me up was standing right outside the door. He straightened himself, “Boss is waiting for you in his office, ma’am,” he said. I wrinkled my nose when he called me ma’am. I nodded my head as a response. He escorted me to Zayn’s office. The closer we got to the office the more nervous I was getting. Nervous about the fact that I was going to face Zayn. Not a single day in the mansion went by without facing a problem. By now I was accustomed to problems.

The man opened the door for me and gestured for me to step in. As I stepped in I spotted three tall, well-built men with moustaches and a drop-dead gorgeous lady. They all appeared as if they were in their mid-40s. Turning my head, I sighed in relief when I spotted Ace and Levi.

“There you are!” a man sitting beside Zayn said in enthusiasm, as he looked at me “Come on in, take a seat”

Scrutinising around I noticed an empty seat beside Hunter, I quietly walked to the empty seat and sat, nervously. I had no idea what I was supposed to say. I was socially awkward especially when four dangerously gorgeous humans were looking at me from head to toe. They were creeping me out. I glanced at Zayn; even he was looking at me.

“How are you, Nyx?” the lady asked, smiling at me.

“I am doing well” I verbalised giving the lady a small smile. The awkwardness was so high that I forgot to ask ‘how was she doing?’ I was trying to ignore all the possibilities that could lead to an embarrassing situation.

“Nyx” the man sitting beside Zayn called out my name, he had a deep voice “The goddess of night, the strongest goddess. The only goddess Zeus has ever feared,” he said, he had a pretty good knowledge of Greek mythology. “What’s your full name?” he asked. This was the part where I was about to get embarrassed.

“Nyx Coco Styles” I replied.

“Coco?” he exclaimed, the other two men let out a small laugh. I glared at them, causing them to stop laughing.

“Don’t mind them, I am Giovanni Morello, you can call me Mr Morello” he introduced himself, I internally scoffed, Why would I even want to have a chat with him in the first place. The way he said ‘you can call me Mr Morello’ a part of me was telling that he was an arrogant man. “This is my wife Elena Morello,” he said, gesturing to the gorgeous lady, that man was a lucky man to have such a pretty lady as his wife “And these are my right hands, this is Leoluca, you can call him Leo,” he said, pointing at the man sitting in the corner “this is Luciano, you can call him Luca,” he said motioning at the man sitting beside his wife. So, I get to call others by their names but not him.

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