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She's David's date, soon to be his wife,” Hunter's father smirked, provoking Hunter further. Enraged, Hunter grabbed his father's coat, his eyes ablaze with a threatening intensity.

Could she be his love interest?

I shouldn't draw conclusions just like that.

“Let me catch you trying that. Before she marries David, I'll ensure he ends up six feet under, and father or not, I'll ensure you're beside him,” Hunter threatened, shoving his father aside and darting toward the couple. He was halfway to them but Octavio intercepted, halting his progress.

She must be his love interest!

Blood hell!

“You're always wondering why Hunter looks down on you,” Zayn interjected, drawing our attention. “It's because you've never given him the chance. Forcing Skylar to marry David won't benefit anyone.”

“A delinquent like you wouldn't understand. I have experience. I know my son. I've raised him,” he defended himself. “What could you know about raising a child? Hunter—”

“My apologies, but you're creating quite a scene here. Might I suggest handling this in a more private setting?” A stranger approached, tactfully intervening.

The stranger, his demeanor exuded a calm confidence, turned to face Hunter's father. “Sir, weddings are meant for joyous occasions. Let's not mar this celebration with unnecessary conflict. Perhaps a private discussion later would serve better. For now, let's enjoy the festivities.”

Surprisingly, Hunter's father's stern expression softened, influenced by the stranger's tactful words. “Fine,” he grumbled, casting one last stern glance before reluctantly walking away. The stranger's witt had achieved what seemed impossible moments ago – diffusing the immediate tension.


Zayn, Levi and I exchanged relieved glances. I took a deep breath, grateful for the stranger's intervention.

“Well, that was quite the drama,” I remarked, breaking the silence.

The stranger turned toward us with a slight smile. “Drama at weddings is not uncommon. It seems to follow the rhythm of emotions.”

As I pondered over the stranger's quick wit, it dawned on me that Hunter and Octavio were nowhere in sight. Skylar and that David guy seemed to have vanished too.

My curiosity piqued, I scanned the room, searching for any sign of their presence. Yet, amidst the bustling crowd and the joyful event, I couldn't spot them. This was supposed to be a normal wedding but the table have turned so fucking bad.

“Who are you, and why did you step in?” Zayn inquired, eying him suspiciously.

The stranger extended a hand. “Call me Adrian. Sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of calmness to defuse tense situations.”

Dude is a smooth talker.

Levi chuckled, “Adrian, the peacemaker at a wedding. Quite the role.”

“Well, it's better than being the one who starts a brawl,” Adrian replied, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

“We are grateful for your diplomatic intervention. However, would you kindly refrain from meddling, or would you prefer a more confrontational approach?” Zayn's voice maintained a veneer of composure, belying the storm of emotions brewing within him.

“Can you be a little polite” Levi interjected "He just saved your asses from the mess you were about to create"

Adrian, unfazed by the subtle tension, he offered a smile “No offense taken, gentlemen. I was merely extending a helping hand.” With a nod of farewell, he took his leave.

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