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"Sorry I am anti-romantic"

Fuck. Too much revelation.

If I had a time machine I would have gone to the past and stopped myself before uttering anything. I already made the situation worse by killing that filth in front of Nyx, I would have killed him in the basement of my mansion in peace. And now, my monologue has made Nyx silent. Never in my life had I imagined that I would say anything of this sort out loud that too to Nyx. Not that she doesn't deserve to know anything, she does indeed; it's just I wasn't sure if telling them at the moment was appropriate. Too much revelation can cause extensive damage. My father used to give me lectures about how to maintain your conversation limited, and what is appropriate to speak out to whom.

-F l a s h b a c k-

My breath was uneven and I was coughing uncontrollably. My legs were shivering, at any moment they were going to give up. My lungs hurt badly. As I anticipated I fell to the ground and kept coughing.

"D-dad, water," I spoke, in between my cough. I remained on the rocky ground coughing with tears brimming my eyes, I waited for my dad to show up before me carrying my water bottle however, he didn't bother to move. He was standing at his very spot with his cold heart and glaring at me.

"Dad, please!"

I heard him scoffing "Is this how you will surpass everyone? Huh? Stop coughing, get up now" he chided, throwing a water bottle at me.

The bottle landed on my chest, and I heard my dad calling me 'useless' as always I ignored him. My coughing finally stopped. However, my knees and heels were in pain. I had no motivation left in me to get up. But when it comes to dad, no excuses, absolutely no excuses would work on him. If he wants you to run if even you have a high fever, he will make you run. He does what he wants. He will make you his puppet, make you dance on his fingertips if he wants. I guess I was his puppet. He says he wants what's best for me but I think he wants what's best for him.

"Come on, get up! You have to complete four more laps" Dad shouted "don't waste my time I have work to do"

"Playing poker with drunk friends is not work" I muttered under my breath.

"Did you say, something boy?"

"No, Dad"

I managed to get up on my feet, I felt a strong force of drowsiness. However, since I didn't want to face dad's wrath I began to run. Why doesn't he have feelings like empathy, kindness, and sorrow?

"Dad, I can't run anymore," I said, again dropping to the ground. Dad came storming toward me, I expected him to strike at me however, he didn't.

"Why do you keep on disappointing me? Luca Accardi was only fourteen years old when he first shot someone and after that, he started taking down people as if they were delicate flowers." Dad said. He let out a frustrated sigh, as he massaged his temples. "And look at you, you can't run even fifty laps. You need strength to kill people. You need better a physique. A thin, pale boy can't do anything. you will be just a burden"

That was the most irksome thing about my dad. A person should be given liberation to choose what they want to do but my dear dad already had planned everything out. He and his wicked friend have their son's future planned. They have taken away our independence. Ace and I are stuck with our evil fathers. We both hate what our fathers make us do. If we dared to speak against their will they would give us punishment.

"But dad I am only eight, I can't kill anyone. I don't want to kill anyone." I said raising my voice "I can't run anymore; my legs are swollen, I feel dizzy, and when I start running my chest hurts a lot. that's why I cough so much. Every time I run my chest hurts. At a time when I get anxious, my chest hurts-"

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