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"But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you"

Stepping inside the kitchen we witness the kitchen was entirely changed. The walls which were once white and black were changed into beige with espresso kitchen cabinets. The furniture was smooth and carved. The renewed kitchen was proving a sense of comfort and enhancing my appetite. Looking around, Levi and I spotted a guy, he had blue eyes, blonde hair, pale skin. His height was average, and he looked like a teen.

As his gazes fell on us, he gave us his bright smile "I was expecting you both to show up soon" he said in his Irish accent "The cooks are sent to their rooms like you asked to. And now the kitchen is all yours" he said. Before entering the kitchen Levi and I had to wait for a while because we wanted the kitchen all by ourselves. "But, I will be staying here the entire time to make sure nothing goes wrong, and I can assure you that you won't feel my presence" he stated, scratching the back of his head.

"I don't have any problem with that," Levi said, smiling at the Irish guy. I gave him an 'are-you-for-real' look. He already agreed with the guy so I had to agree with his as well.

Wrinkling my nose I said "Fine"

Levi and I walked towards the kitchen island, as long as he behaved properly I was okay with his presence. The ingredients were already placed on the island, all we needed to do was make and bake. My hands reached to the empty bowl and I heard the Irish guy say "I know it's annoying to have a stranger's presence but after King almost blew up the kitchen Mr Ryder asked me to never leave the kitchen when someone inexperienced is in the kitchen"

A scoff escaped from my mouth as I turned to the annoying guy who managed to annoy me within a minute. The guy had a cute face thus my anger didn't increase. "First off, I am not inexperienced and secondly, who the bloody hell is Mr Ryder?" I said, crossing my hands over my chest. The guy looked at Levi as if he was asking for his help.

"Ace," Levi replied.

"Then you don't have to stay here any longer, we are friends with Ace and-"

"Why do you have a problem with his presence?" Levi said, "He isn't like the others and he can help us too, right?" Levi asserted, looking at the Irish guy. I gasped, I couldn't believe him. He was supposed to take my side but he defended the stranger. I tilted my head furiously towards the Irish guy, he was hiding his blush. And then I realised what was cooking.

A smirk formed on my face. "Okay, you can stay," I said. the guy mouthed 'thank you' to me before averting his gazes at Levi. 'Cute' my subconscious commented. If co-operating with the stranger was the least I could do for Levi then I was fine with it.

"So, what's your name?" Levi asked the guy whilst passing me the eggs.

"I'm Conor" he replied, smiling at Levi. "I never thought I would get a chance to talk to you guys"

"Why?" Levi and I asked amusingly in unison.

For an unknown reason, I felt like a celebrity. For half of my life, I have tried to avoid when people say 'I would never talk to her' and 'Don't talk to her, she has anger issues. Most of the time people used to judge me because of my IED and it felt like a curse to me. IED was just a disorder, I didn't behave like a manic because I wanted to, I did so because I had no control over it. I never meant to hurt and harm anyone. Every time I hurt someone it made me feel awful. I always wished to be treated normally. Nevertheless, I never lost my hope, and I finally found the people who treated me like I was a normal human. They made me feel happy.

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