Chapter 20

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Friday Night

I was getting ready at Margret's house and laughing with her as we told jokes and stories. Gosh I missed having a bestfriend I could connect with. I heard the door bell ring and looked over at the clock and saw everyone was supposed to be getting here in 15 minutes or so. "I'll get it." I told Mar and ran downstairs to the front door. I'm glad Mar's parents are out of town so we could all just meet up over here. I couldn't go back to my parent's house. I shook my head of those thoughts and opened the door and there stood Clay. I smiled and let him in. "Hey." I gave him a genuine smile. He smiled. And came close to me. Feeling his breath on my skin sent a shiver down my spine. "I hope you'remember not wearing that out tonight. I'd be totally fine with it, but I don't know how much I'd like seeing all the guys staring at you." I raised my eye brows in question then looked down and remembered I was wearing a tank top and short shorts and only half done makeup. I blushed and just shook my head. "Don't count on it." I turned to walk away. "The guys should be here any minute. We'll be down in a few minutes." I ran back to Mar's room to finish getting ready. "Clay's here." I announced as I walked back in her room. She just nodded and went over to her closet. "What are you wearing?" She asked while looking for clothes. "My white Skinny jeans and that red top and red heels." I said pointing to my clothes layed out on her bed. She nodded and pulled out Black skinny jeans and a pink top with matching pink heels. I quickly finished my makeup and put on my clothes. I walked up to the full length mirror with Margret. "We are so hot!" I commented as she smirked. "The guys won't be able to keep their hands off of us." I laughed and grabbed my purse and pulled her downstairs with me. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw Adam, Clay, and Jim all standing in the foyer talking. I ran up and threw my arms around Adam. "Adam!!" I screamed running at him. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey Kid." I playfully nudged him. "I'm not a kid!" He smirked. "Mhm. Sure." I tried to pout but couldn't keep the smile off my face. "Jerk." He pulled me into him. "But you love me anyways!" I pushed him off of me. "Idiot." He ignored me and wrapped his arms around me and bear hugged me. "I missed you." He whispered. I smiled. "I missed you too." Mar came over and I let go of Adam so they could talk. He quickly kissed her. And she blushed. I smirked at her. They are so cute! "See. That could be us." I could feel him close behind me. I turned and he was standing there behind me. "Clay...can we please not do this tonight. I wanna go out and have fun. And I don't wanna think about this or what this would do to you of we were caught...please?" He nodded and sighed. I smiled at him and hugged him. "Maybe one day it will be." I whispered against his shoulder. I let go of him when I heard a throat clear behind us. I turned to see Jim standing there. I smiled and hugged him. He hugged me back. I let go of him and looked over at Adam and Margret. I smiled. "Ready to go guys?!" They nodded and we headed for the door. I felt in my pockets for my phone and looked in my purse, but I couldn't find it. I walked into the living room and looked there And found nothing. "Hey..has anybody seen my phone?" I asked coming back into the foyer. Clay had it in his hand and smirked when I shot him a look. "I was just holding it for you." I shook my head. "I'm sure." I dropped it in my purse and followed everyone out to Jim's car. I got in the back with Margret and Adam with Clay upfront and Jim driving.


We pulled into the restaurant and got out. I followed Jim to the desk and waited with everyone to be seated. We walked back to our table and sat down. I was inbetween Clay and Jim with Adam and Margret across from us. We spent the whole night talking about our childhood and them telling stories about the type of stuff we got into. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. This is the best night I've had in a while. This is how I know everything is gonna be alright. With these 4 people by my side the whole time. I smiled at the thought

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