Chapter 15

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We kissed for what felt like hours until he pulled away. "I can't do this. I'm your teacher, and I can't do this. I'm sorry." I layed my head against his arm. "I know. I know." We stood there in the living room for a while before I went back to the spare bedroom and found my phone. I found Margret's number and called her. "Hey. It's Elana. Are you doing anything today?...Oh Great! We'll actually I wanted to know if you wanted to get together and do something. I want to get to know my bestfriend again.... So about 1?...Okay! See you then!" I hung up and smiled. I'm gonna get my life back. I put on the pants I slept in last night and picked up my car keys. "Hey Clay, I'm going to grab some clothes from my parent's house. I'll be back in a minute!" I walked over to the door. He appeared in the door way. "If your going, then I'm going too." I nodded and went out to the car followed by Clay.


We arrived at my house and thankfully my Mom's car was gone. I smiled over at Clay and got out. He followed me through the front door and past my dad who was sitting on the couch. I ignored his voice and went up to my room with Clay. I picked out several outfits and my hair and makeup stuff and was fixing to leave when my mom showed up. She tried to come hug me, but I wouldn't let her. I'm not doing this today. She tried to talk to me, but I just walked out the door behind Clay back to my car. I leaned up against my car tears streaming down my face. He came over and wrapped his arms around me bringing me into him. "Hey, shh. It's okay." I shook my head. "But it's not okay! How could they do this to me?! The stripped me of everything! And the claim it was 'for the right reasons' when in all reality it was for their own selfish reasons. 'Looks like Elana is struggling with this and can't handle it. Time to take her memories!' How could they do this to me Clay?" I sobbed. He started walking across to the other side of the car and opened the door. "Here. Get in. So we can get out of here. We can go back to my house so we can talk Without disturbances." He said glancing over at my parents in the front window watching us. I nodded and got in and he shut my door. He ran over to the drivers seat and hopped in and started the car.


We got back to Clay's house where I just grabbed my bags and went to the spare bedroom where I got my clothes picked out and went to the shower where I cried. I cried and ended up sitting on the floor of the shower. Eventually Clay came in to see if I was okay and found me sitting there. He grabbed a towel and picked me up and wrapped the towel around me. "I can't go back there." I wrapped his arms around me. "I know. You don't have to." My phone ringing made me move. I went to see who it was and saw it was Margret. "Oh crap." I quickly answered. "Hey Margret! No, sorry. I'm coming! I just didn't realize what time it was!..Okay see you in a few!" I hung up the phone. "Crap Crap Crap. I've got to get ready." I mumbled to myself while rushing to grab my clothes and brush. I brushed through my hair and just let it go like it is. And quickly threw on my clothes. I put on my shoes and went to the bathroom to throw my towel in there and rolled my eyes when I saw a grinning Clay. "Like the show?" He smirked. "Well actually I did...hey, are you gonna be okay to go today?" I nodded reassuringly "I'll be fine. I promise. I'll call you if I need you." I kissed his cheek and grabbed my purse, keys, and phone and ran out the door.

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