Chapter 25

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I rolled over and rubbed my puffy eyes. It was 6:30 am; I sighed I had only got two hours of sleep. I was up crying most of the night. I looked down at my phone and saw I had 30 missed calls and 50 text messages. Most of them were from Clay, Margret, or my brother. I read them and didn't reply to any of them. I was shocked to see I had a text from Justin.

Justin : Don't be a baby. I had to move on some time, but Emily didn't do it to hurt you. She wants to be your friend again.

Me: Screw you.

 I sighed and rolled over. I'm not going to school today. I slept for a few hours. I woke up and it was two o'clock; I decided to get up and shower, but I remembered that I didn't have any clothes with me. I sighed getting up. I walked out to my car and hopped in and drove to my parents house. Thankfully they weren't home. I quickly unlocked the door and stepped inside. I looked around. This place hasn't changed at all. I shrugged and went upstairs to my bedroom where I packed my remaining clothes in a bag and grabbed my spare charger because I left my other one at Clay's and I sure wasn't going there. I looked around at what once was my bedroom. It had pictures of me and Emily, and some of me, Adam, and my parents. A tears came to my eyes as I looked at that picture. I just shook my head and walked out of my old room and shut the door and went downstairs and out the front door. Standing at my car was a bad looking Clay. He had red eyes and looked like he hasn't showered or shaved. I sighed as I tried to ignore him and put my bag in the passenger seat. I walked over to the driver's side where he was standing. "Move Clay." I tried to say forcefully,but my voice shook. "Elana, please. You've got to listen to me. She's not.." I didn't let him finish. "Clay. I get it. I left you for Four years. You moved on. It's fine. I'm fine. " my voice cracked on the last sentence. I saw tears form in his eyes. He stepped forward towards me. I put my hand up and stepped back. "Clay. Please don't." I said barely above a whisper. His face dropped. He stepped back. "I'm sorry Elana." He whispered and walked away. I watched him walk away back towards his house. I wanted to go after him, to jump into his arms and never leave them, but I knew I couldn't. With tears streaming down my face I got in my car

and managed to make it back to the hotel. I grabbed my bag and walked in my room and fell onto the bed

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