Stand Tall,, ELEVEN

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As multiple people walked through the hallways of SeaBrook; I closed my locker, getting ready to go to my fourth period of the day.

"Hey." Someone says as I turned to my left side. Jumping back due to fear; I slapped the person beside me. "Willa?!" I questioned. "Sorry! Sorry! I am so sorry." I apologized.

Willa rubs her cheek and
chuckled. "It's okay! It's okay!" Willa reassured me. "I should've told you that I was in your presence" Willa gives me a smile.

"Well, you know, normally, humans don't sneak up on people like that"
I adjusted my book bag, "-And Werewolves definitely shouldn't".

"What do you need, Lykensen" I asked with a smile. "Oh, so I need something to talk to you, Love?" Willa questions. "No, of course
not" I said. Willa chuckled and smiled, looking down at me. Due to our height differences, Willa's pretty tall (To me anyways).

I'm 5'3 while she's at least 5'7.

"But- I um I really did just want to check on you" Willa admits; "To
see if you were okay, after what happened in gym yesterday".

"Oh! Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for checking" I smiled, playing with my charm bracelet my dad brought me for 15th birthday. "Sweet, but um that's all I pretty much had to say to ya" Willa says. "Oh" I mouthed.

"Okay...well I'll see you next period" I said before walking off.

"Uh- Wait um I- actually there is one more thing I wanted to ask" Willa says as she grabs my hand.

I looked down at our hands and smiled before looking back up at her. "Yeah, what's up" I asked moving back towards the lockers. Willa pulls her hand away and scratches the back of her head.

"I- I was thinking...thinking that um we should uh maybe hang out sometime, like, besides being at school" Willa said.

"Maybe?" She looked nervous. "Uh yeah, sure, it'll be fun" I said. Willa nods and looks around, trying to keep me from seeing her smile. "How about this weekend or this afternoon" I said. Willa looks at me and a raised her left eyebrow. "Why don't we ditch the rest of the school day, Riv?" Willa suggested. "What- no, no, no, school first then we can hang out" I corrected.

"Okay, totally understandable but we're at school first and now, you're ditching it to hang out with me" Willa says.

"I can go to dance class later, but right now I can show you around the forbidden forest, it's pretty
cool or we can get this thing called
fro-yo, My brother has been talking about it nonstop and I want to try it" Willa slightly smiles, showing off her fangs.

"Willa...we- we can't" I shook my head. "Buzz kill," Willa groans, "But fine, goody two-shoes, I'll see you after school, Noelle". I smiled and giggled as she walks off. "Hey! Kill it on the dance floor" I called out.

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