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Alice didn't trust herself to go about this correctly. Breaking up with Fred would be different than breaking up with anyone else. Fred had been different. Alice had been in a few relationships, but Fred was her first serious relationship. The only one she took more seriously than the others.

Before this went too far, Alice had to break it off. Though only she could do this, she needed help. And who better to go to than Zephyr? The dude who had absolutely no dating experience whatsoever.

Maybe she should've gone to Clint. But all she would hear from him was: "I told you so." And she wasn't willing to listen to that right now.

"You're... breaking up with Fred?" Zephyr winced at the thought.

"Zeph, I have to admit something. And you're the only person I trust enough to admit it to." She took Zeph's hands and squeezed them.

Zeph pursed his lips. "What is it?"

"I... I think I'm helplessly falling for someone I shouldn't be," she said, as though it was some big surprise.

"And who would that be?" Zeph cupped his hand behind his ear, turning his head so he could pretend that it helped him hear.

Alice rolled her eyes. "Professor Lupin..."

"Is this supposed to be some kind of dramatic, unforeseen, eureka-epiphany moment? You're the last person to know."

"This isn't the point," Alice scoffed. "How should I go about this?"

Zephyr wasn't sure how to help. He wasn't even sure why she came to him. As previously mentioned, he was no relationship connoisseur. "Be... honest?"

"No fucking shit. How do you just admit to your boyfriend that you can't be with them because there's someone else!?" Alice threw her body onto the table and groaned.

"Er- like you just did. Without the groaning and body-tossing, of course." Zephyr wanted to fly into an abyss. He felt incredibly unhelpful.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to put this on you, it's not your responsibility, it's mine. Go talk to Isabella or something. Just don't mention this to Clint... please." Alice gave Zeph a tight hug. She didn't know why she needed it so tight. Maybe to prepare her heart for the break she is about to bear.

Zephyr scratched Alice's head, kissing her cheek. "You've got this, Ali. Everything will be fine. Once you get Fred out of the picture, I'll help you get Professor Lupin in the picture."

Alice began snickering. "Good luck with that, Zeph. I don't think he'd want to be in the picture even if you paid him."

"We'll see."

They would.

The worst part about losing Fred was that she not only would lose him, but the friendships she'd created with his family too. She and Bill would glare at each other until they got close enough to hug, Charlie would call her some sort of reptile, and she'd call him some sort of rodent in return. Percy had someone who actually took his advice in getting good grades and listened to what he had to say. George and she always made fun of Fred. Ron would inconspicuously ask for tips on what kind of gifts girls like. And Alice and Ginny... well they were girls. They had a lot of fun together.

Alice was thinking she and Ginny would have one more conversation before she had to break up with Fred. It was Saturday, no classes were in session. Ginny was probably roaming the halls with one of her many friends.

UNDER THE MOON, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now