"Fancy meeting you here."
"You mean... in my classroom?"
"Obviously." Alice sat on the edge of Remus' desk, turning her upper body toward him.
Remus watched Alice glide her hand along her thighs until it rested just underneath her skirt. Ignoring her flirty action, he said, "How are you, Alice?"
"Hunky-dory," she replied. "And you, Professor?"
He'd had finer moments. Ones where he didn't think of his student in such a frustrating way. "Swell."
Ever since their fiasco of unraveling and nearly fornicating on his desk, they'd been a little more cautious to who might walk through the door. Obviously, Harry didn't have the capacity to care anymore. But anyone else... well, Remus would rather avoid explaining the situation over again. He wondered if Peeves would ever manage to catch them in the act.
One time was more than enough to suffice for the rest of his life.
"Do you like spending time with me?" Alice swung her legs gently.
"No, I hate it," He said sarcastically. "It ruins my day and you're a horrible person."
Alice snickered, hiding the way she was blushing at him. "You're funny."
"Spending time with you... is my favorite time of the day." Remus was feeling ballsy, even with the door open.
Alice tilted her head up, then moved her arms to lean over his desk. "Why is that? Hmm?" She hummed, looking him up and down.
"You make me happy."
"Feeling bold are we, Professor?" Alice picked up a wrapper off his desk and threw it at him.
"Not bold enough, unfortunately." His eyes glanced to the open door, ignoring the wrapper.
Alice followed his gaze. Then she took out her wand and used a nonverbal spell to close it. "Well?"
To Remus, that was insanely attractive. He'd taught her that. "Well done..."
"I have an excellent teacher to thank. If only I knew how I could thank him..." she rolled her eyes playfully. The way she usually did around him.
"Being here is enough, Alice." Remus didn't need anything from her. He just wanted her time. Her time which she was willingly giving him.
"So you don't want anything else?"
"I don't need anything else."
Alice hopped off the desk and stood over him, arms crossed as she smirked facetiously at him. "That's not what I asked."
"Please don't tempt me with the unattainable." Remus didn't hesitate to grasp her waist and stand up. Still holding on like he had no means to let go.
It caught her off guard. And she looked from his chest to his eyes. "You act as though temptation is something bad. And here you are..."

Fanfiction❝I do love you so much that I crave you more than you'll ever know. I crave you in the same way the stars crave the moon. The stars need the moon. I need you.❞ It was a bad idea. It was a great idea. It was trouble. It was a moral imperative for Ali...