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'Dearest Alice,

Sorry it's taken me so long to write back! I don't have a good excuse, I've just been very tired lately. I hope everything is well with school. I should be taking a quick trip back to Hogsmeade soon. I would love to see you. I attached a few pictures of a new dragon I'm working with. He's a real sweetheart, that one. Almost singed my blue hair, though! His name is Damien, he's an Ironbelly. I bet you'd get along great with him.

Hope to see you soon!

-Sage M.J.'

Alice folded the letter back up and tucked it into one of her books as she studied in the library. She'd write back to him when the time came. Truthfully, she wasn't studying. She'd come here to study, but now it was impossible. With Clint glaring at her from another table, and Fred frowning at her from another. Alice was too uncomfortable to concentrate. It would've been a better idea to study with Remus if she might actually manage to get some work done around him.

Even when she wasn't with him, finishing homework as a challenge. Remus was her greatest distraction.

With her fingers crossed, she stood up and pushed her chair in. Unfortunately, so did Clint and Fred who immediately came striding toward her, in different manners of course. They both glanced at each other, then back at Alice.

Fred's nose twitched before speaking. "May I talk to you?"

After everything that's happened, Alice would take Fred over Clint any day. Clint gulped. Alice quietly sighed, "Yeah. Come on, Fred."

Fred followed her, feeling slightly superior to Clint who had once been her best friend. Besides, he still didn't like him. "Um... I know that what you did in class a while ago was... not my business... so I'm apologizing. Again. And also giving you the opportunity to hit me in the bollocks because I promised I wouldn't hurt you."

Alice snickered. They stopped walking. "You didn't hurt me, Fred. I wasn't really capable of paying attention at the time, it's fine, really."

"No, it's not. I've got to grow up at some point. I can't keep making a big deal out of a relationship that's not mine. If I can get over your relationship, I can get one of my own. A healthy one."

Alice smiled. She was proud of Fred's progress and his growth. "I hope you meet someone who can love you in the same way you love them."

"Ah. One day. I won't rush, there's no need. I'm only 18, the likelihood that my true love has already passed me by isn't that likely. After all, who at 18 has found the love of their life?" Fred asked. He didn't purposely ask so it sounded unreasonable to be in love at 18, but it made Alice wonder.

Was it unreasonable to deem yourself in love at the young, bright age of 18?

What was the answer? Alice could describe every way in which she loved Remus, but that wasn't what the question was asking. The answer was not immediately required. If she was happy, then why should anything else matter? Nothing else should matter, therefore she had the answer to that question.

Fred and Alice went their separate ways. Alice was gone quicker than she thought her legs could've managed. It was all her mind's plea to avoid Clint. By the time she made it back to Remus, she was out of breath. Leaning against the door, she coughed hoarsely, clearing her throat. This was how Remus described his throat feeling after a long night of howling at the moon when he forgot his wolfsbane potion.

UNDER THE MOON, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now