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With eyes like those... you could easily get lost in them. It was like remembering a dream. The kind of dream you don't forget. Because those eyes... you couldn't forget them. Alice Lafitte had the prettiest eyes Remus Lupin had ever seen. He could go on for years about the emotion in them. She didn't even have to speak. He felt like he already knew everything about her.

As she slowly packed up her things into a neat pile on the desk, everyone else slowly walked toward the back of the classroom. Alice felt a little crowded, considering her desk was near the door. Slipping through the students, she walked halfway to the front of the classroom where Professor Lupin was stacking papers.

Fred gently grabbed Alice's arm, pulling her against him. "Are you coming to lunch?"

"No," Alice smiled, leaning up and giving Fred a small kiss. "But I will see you later."

"I don't know, will you?" He covered both her eyes with his hands. "Can't see me now."

Alice slowly lowered his hands. "I think you're becoming a softie, Fred."

"Not me, definitely not, totally hard," he scoffed. His face fell. "Not like that... I mean not that you don't sometimes make it- oh, forget it. I love you." Fred kissed her cheek and left the class with everyone else.

Alice spun on her heels to Professor Lupin. "Are we still on for tea?"

He walked by her, waving her along. "As far as I know, yes," His living quarters was right next door, which made it convenient. "But..." he trailed off.

"What?" Alice tilted her head at him, hair sliding off her shoulder. Professor Lupin regretted turning around at that exact moment.

"I was thinking we'd have hot chocolate instead."

Alice snickered softly with that smile that had the ability to stop time. "What is it with you and chocolate, Professor?"

"You could say it's an emotional attachment." He gestured for her to take a seat on his light brown, leather couch.

"A healthier one than I have," Alice said, sitting down, raising her shoulders, and putting her hands under her thighs.

Professor Lupin paused his actions. "How do you mean?"

"It's nothing to worry about. So do you have any favourite students yet?" The topic quickly shifted, catching him off guard.

The funny thing about that was... "Maybe. And if I do?"

"Well that's not good," Alice rolled her eyes. Watching him do anything- even make hot chocolate- was entertaining. "Teachers can't have favorites."

"Of course they can. They just can't tell anyone." He handed her a cup and sat down next to her.

"You won't even tell me?" Alice pouted, sticking her bottom lip out, and softening her expression.

Professor Lupin swallowed thickly and raised the cup to his lips. "My turn to ask a question. Why do you refuse to wear your robes?"

Alice never actually put the robes on. She would wear the tie, skirt, and blouse without a problem. But the robes were different. She either kept them tied around her waist, or left them in the dorm. "It takes away from my complexion. I look hotter without them."

Not knowing how to respond, Professor Lupin nodded once. "Fair response. As long as you stay out of trouble."

"I am the trouble, Professor." Somehow, being around Professor Lupin made Alice feel more confident and comfortable. She liked it.

UNDER THE MOON, Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now