"Miss Lafitte? Could you stay back a moment?"
It was the first day, and her first class and she was already getting told to stay back. She nodded. "Getting in trouble already, yeah? I taught you well." Fred went to kiss her cheek but was dragged out of the classroom by George.
Turning back around, with absolutely no confidence whatsoever, Alice leaned against her desk, school supplies in hand. Professor Lupin slowly took a few steps in Alice's direction. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, no. I wanted to make sure you're alright. I understand first days can be nerve-wracking. You seemed out of it at the beginning of class," Professor Lupin said, feeling an overwhelming urge to touch her in some innocent way, even just a brush of their hands against each other.
"Oh. Yes. I'm okay. Thank you." Her sentences were very broken up and choppy. She was still a little overwhelmed. By later, she'd be fine and paying no attention to this odd attraction to her Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Besides, it's not as though he'd be interested in her in that sense at all.
Professor Lupin hummed quietly. "If you need anything, feel very free to always come to me."
Alice didn't feel prompted to say anything more. She just nodded again and left. Off to Potions. That was a disaster waiting to happen.
They'd only just met... but one could say... Alice Lafitte made Remus Lupin very nervous.
"What did he want?" Fred surprised Alice, coming out of nowhere.
"Just had to ask me something. Nothing important."
It wasn't a complete lie, but maybe she should've elaborated. But there was nothing for him to worry about as it was. Alice went to potions where the Slytherins would be having class with the Hufflepuffs. Hopefully, Clint was in a better mood. Even if he wasn't, they were planning on grabbing ice cream anyway.
Alice could hardly remember what induced her to become friends with Zephyr and Clint in the first place. She was lucky to meet Zephyr on the train to Hogwarts during the first year, but they were silent most of the time. Then all of a sudden it was as though they were old pals. As for Clint, somehow he'd just ended up being their best friend too. There was some speculation that it involved Alice beating the crap out of Clint during a quidditch game in their fourth year. The Slytherins remarked her as one of the greatest keepers of all time. And punchers...
They had trophies, awards, and pictures to prove it to her.
"I can't believe we have an essay on the first day," Clint grumbled, clutching his quill aggressively. In his mind, he was stabbing Professor Snape in the throat with it.
"I can." Alice sighed. It was expected that Snape made the students undeniably miserable. Even if he minded Alice less than the other students, she was no favorite of his. He didn't exactly tickle her fancy either, he was rather unpleasant.
As 7th years (who had dealt with Snape's bullshit far too long), they knew better than to drag out conversations more than a few lines long. If they got out of the class without having points deducted from their house, that was an absolute win.
While Snape scolded another student for their stupidity, Clint turned to Alice. "What's the new professor like?"
Alice felt her stomach rise a little. "He's nice. Very sweet. I think he's a good influence on the students."

Fanfiction❝I do love you so much that I crave you more than you'll ever know. I crave you in the same way the stars crave the moon. The stars need the moon. I need you.❞ It was a bad idea. It was a great idea. It was trouble. It was a moral imperative for Ali...