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~Issy's POV~

Yesterday, I spent my whole day with Nash and Sammy. We were all skating. It was really fun. And I love that I got to hang out with them. It made me feel really good. I was skating with them too 'cause I can skate too and do a little bit of tricks. Only 'cause Josh taught me and if it wasn't for him, I would look like an idiot yesterday.

Right now I'm in tears. Like I just won't stop. So yesterday in the night, I was really and I mean really depressed. I feel like I've been getting a lot of bullshit lately. 'Cause people know now that I'm with Sammy and they treat me like I'm a whore. And I'm not. Its not like I started dating Sammy like the next day Jack and I broke up. I was just so stressed and Sammy helped me in a lot. He made my problem go away.

Sammy and I had sex. There I said it. He made me feel loved. He made me feel wya better than Jack. Just saying. And I know you wanna why I'm crying right now. So since you know how Sammy and I had sex. I guess we didn't use a condom or the condom broke. Oh God! I'm pregnant. And I went to the doctor today to see if I actually am. And I am. I'm scared ass shit right now. I'm crying like I've never cried before.

I can't ruin Sammy's career. I need to leave. And not back home. I need to leave somewhere far away. I got it! I know I can't leave Sammy but I can't do this to him. Since Sammy and the guys weren't home, I started to pack really quick. I started to pack only one suitcase 'cause thats all I need. I'll buy new clothes there. I grabbed a few piece of paper. I had one for Sammy, Nash, Johnson, Nate, and Kenny. I started writing to all of them and I didn't write one to Gilinsky 'cause that would've been weird.

I look everywhere and I started to let the tears flow. I'm gonna miss LA. I'm gonna miss all the boys. I'm gonna miss everything. But the many thing I'm gonna miss is Sammy. Sammy has helped me in everything. And he is my boyfriend. And I feel fucked up for leaving him like this but I have too. I can't ruin his career. I'm finally in the plane about to leave LA. The plane finally took off.

"Goodbye." I whisper while looking out the window.

~Sammy's POV~

I went back to the apartment to check if Issy was okay. 'Cause she didn't text me at all today.

"Hey baby, I'm home."

I didn't hear anything. I was really scared by now. I go check my room. She's not there. I check the bathroom. She's not there. I check in Nate's room. She's not there. I go back to my room and check the closet. Her clothes aren't here.

"NATE!!!!! She's not here!!!"

"I think she left this for us." Nate says while passing me letters with my name, Nate's name, Nash's name, Kenny's name, and Johnson's name. I get my phone out of my pocket and got to out group chat.

"EVERYONE MEET AT THE JACKS NOW!" I texted. Everyone texted "On my way!"

I was literally scared ass shit right now. We got at the Jacks as fast as we can. I was panicking right now. I started calling her and she didn't answer. I kept texting her but no answer back.

"What happens if she killed herself!?"

"She wouldn't do that, Sammy. All those notes have to have something telling us about her." Nate says while I calm down.

We finally get there and I walk in and everyone was sitting down on the couch. I throw the letters on the little table they have.

"Whats wrong with you!?" Gilinsky ask me.

"Whats wrong with me! I can't find my girlfriend! And all she left me was this!" I say pointing at the table. Kenny grabs his letter. So does Nash, Johnson, Nate and me. Gilinsky looks down and has a tear coming out of his eye. I was crying right now. All I care about right now is if Isabelle is okay.

"I'll open it first." Kenny says.

"Dear Kenny,

I know you'll be the first one to read your letter so just to let you know I'm okay. I just wanna tell you that I love you so much. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I'm sorry to leave like whatever. I didn't get to say goodbye but I'm bad at saying goodbye. Just know I love you so much. I'll try to keep in contact. -Love Isabelle" Kenny finished saying what his letter wrote. Next Johnson went.

"Dear Johnson,

I have known you since I was kinder. I'm glad I got to grow up with you. I'm proud of you and Gilinsky. Take care of Gilinsky. Make sure he doesn't do anything really stupid. I love you so much! I'm really sorry that I felt like whatever. But I needed too. I'll try to keep in contact with you. I love you, monkey boy. -Love Isabelle" Johnson finishes. Next Nate went.

"Dear Skathan,

I remember the day I beat you at basketball. Boy, you really do suck. :P I'm gonna miss you so much, best friend. I remember the day you called me a whore and bitch. That really hurt me like a lot. But I forgive 'cause next day you apologized and we had Nate and Issy day. I wish we had more but I left. i'm sorry for leaving but I'm doing this for Sammy. He deserves better and make sure he don't do anything stupid. Oh wait you both are stupid. Just kidding! I love you so much! -Love Isabelle" Nate finished. Next Nash went.

"Dear Nashy,
You have been there for me since the first day I went to Magcon. You made me feel wanted. A good friend. And you made me laugh when nobody else could. This not a goodbye. I will see you again some day and I promise. Right now I'm not even thinking. You'll say I'm leaving for dumb reason. But I can't do it anymore. And of course I am not killing myself. I just need a few time away from everyone. I'm sorry to everyone. I feel low just for leaving I'm getting more attention and I don't want that. I love you so much, Nashy. Please contact me when anything is wrong. And doesn't call me because Sammy is making you. Call me when you really need me. I love you Nashy! -Love Isabelle" Nash finished and it was my turn. I opened the letter. I was so scared right now.

"Dear Sammy,
I'm so so so so sorry for leaving you like this. I feel really fucked up but I needed to leave. I can't ruin your career. Your fans already hate me for being you girlfriend. Since I won't see you til I'm ready to come back to see you and all the boys. Our relationship is over. I'm sorry. I know you hate it so much but I have too. I'm sorry. I need you to move on. Find someone better for you. And please don't hook up with any random girl. You'll probably get them preggo. And I know you wouldn't want that. Just know I love you so fucken much! And I will always love you! Please take care. -Love Isabelle" I start to cry so hard. All the boys come and hug me. And I hug them back.

"This what you guys wanted well you guys FUCKEN got it. 👫💔" I posted on Twitter.

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