Good Fights

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There it is.
Her weakness. The ash blonde was crippled in a heap, hoglins gathering to eat his remains.
"Wanna join your hubby,doll?"
I sneered at the girl with roses in her hair.

Quick intake of breath. The axe swung. Another gasp of breath. Swing.
My shoulder was uncomfortably not in the right place thanks to that damn axe. I swirled the arrows in my hands. The cuts on my hands feeling clear against their wooden shafts.
Dream...I hope you get a terrible night sleep tonight.

Breathe. Swing.
I dodged left.
Breathed again. Swing.
I jumped over it. I jabbed sharply into her side.
She breathed. I slid under her axe. I cut down her thigh.

She grunted and fell onto one knee. Blood dripped from her head. I smiled. When last did I have a good fight like this?
"Kneeling for me already?"
I wiped her blood off my arrows.
Then lightly, I shoved her off the tree top, into the horde of hungry hoglins.

Now...onto business.
I swung myself into the vines, scanning the blue warped forest. Black limbs struck me. I shifted down.
I dropped onto the ground. There stood a croaking Enderman.
Da used to say.

Sapnap POV

Where the hell did she go?
Another great blast came up.

Dream's mask cracked from the heat.
"Now where could that weasel be? Hopefully Punz and Hannah got the job done so we can leave this godsforsaken place."
He growled.

My heart rushed.

Just then a battle cry overwhelmed the chaos. I turned. There Y/N came. Nothing new, injured even more and charging this deadly beast.
"Y/N! Don't!"
I shouted before thinking.

A skull whizzed past her. Her E/C eyes met mine.
She shouted and took two arrows into each of her hands.

My body reacted to her word. I grabbed her arms and spun her around before launching her. The wither faced her and opened its disgusting jaw.
It'll eat her!

All the dukes and soldiers stopped fighting , their eyes clinging to her.
"She's getting herself killed."
Dream smugly stated next to me.
I'll pull your teeth out bastard.

Just then she whipped her head and something teal left her mouth and hit the ceiling on the other side of the Wither. Her body warped from one side to the other.
She found an Enderpearl!

The creature didn't have time to react as she slammed down onto its shoulder. She stabbed her arrows into its vertebrae. It wailed in pain.

I shouted to everyone as the large skeleton started falling. They ran across the passages of the fortress and into the boarded up room where George was tending the injured.

It crashed and dislodged the bridge. Ash covered the air. I coughed, trying to see through it. A figure stood over the dead creature, heaving.

Y/N coughed, wiping the ash from her cheeks. Carrying one of the Wither's pointy teeth.

Burn The World (Sapnap x Reader) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now