Uncle Halo

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I woke up to someone moving my shoulder. Minx's blue eyes met mine. I was on the deck but somehow still warm. That's when I noticed the body behind me, holding me close to him: Nick.

I snapped my gaze away from his resting face.
"We have arrived. The Lord's father has come to the dock to meet us. What's your call?"
She's always been precise in her jobs. Besides me she rarely opened up to anyone when we grew up together.

"Get everyone up. Phantom you'll keep your distance on the nearest roof. Keep your daggers and stars at the ready. Notify of any of the king's soldiers present."
She nodded, silently gliding over the deck.
Let's hope to hell that Nymph doesn't show her face.

I played with Nick's hair. He stirred.
"Morning Sap. So listen, your dad is about to greet us and I'm forewarning you to be on alert."
Before he could talk I got up and headed down to the cabin.
In the old mirror I caught a glimpse of myself.
Well that won't do.

I saw the visible print of where Nick had kissed my neck.
Damnit. Why'd he have to be so rough with it?
I changed into formal wear and slipped my knives into my shoes and sheathed my scythe on my back. Drista's voice boomed across the deck.
"Hey Y/N! There's someone coming down the street!"

I swiftly made my way out. The other four members of my team stood at the ready.
"Minx your vape is tucked slightly under your left shoulder. Drista boots laced twice. Aunt Puffy the feather in your tricorn is tilting."
I walked to Nick.
"Nice hair cut."
He said. I pulled his one lapel to the right.
"Hold off on the hugs till I've made sure your Papa isn't trying to kill us."

(Y/N's hair now)

(Y/N's hair now)

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Badboyhalo POV

My soldiers positioned themselves into a triangle behind me as we stopped in the street next to the dock.
Four figures strutted down the wooden dock onto the street opposite us.

I kept my hand on my sword's hilt. Y/N had grown, a scar across her one eyebrow, her hair cut shorter. She removed her mask and smiled.
"Uncle Halo! Long time no see!"
I raised my chin higher.
"Y/N. To what do we owe this visit? I'm told the king is missing you dearly."

My soldiers took her shrug as a sign and raised their swords. In an instant Puffy whipped her pistols out pointing to either guard on my sides, her daughter Drista brought her hammer onto her shoulder readying to smash through the left rank. My own son Nick held up his double chain blades. Y/N raised her scythe towards my heart.

She smiled.
"Now now. There's no need for bloodshed. Although I do love the idea of giving us some practice before the king arrives. We've come for something else."
I unsheathed my double ended spear.
"Well you won't get it. FIRE!"

But the sound of arrows whisking in the air, sinking into their bodies never came.
I looked back to Y/N. Her smile had widened.
"Ohhh Uncle Halo. And hear I thought you knew? I'm not an idiot, everyone wants to be my enemy. I'm guessing you had about six archers at the ready on the nearby roofs. But you see I have something you don't. The Phantom."

A shrill cry came from the right as a soldier clumped into a heap. A plink whipped my head back to the fugitives. A small bottle rolled to my feet.
"Tick tick, boom."
Drista's voice carried over. The bottle shattered as the smoke swarmed us.

I yelled trying to see, coughing.
When the smoke cleared, they were gone.

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