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Sapnap POV

I sat in the vacant room upstairs.
What's taking so long?
Aunt Puffy was walking from one side to the other. Mumbling to herself.

I whispered to the younger woman. Her head shut up from her nap, eyes still glazed.
"Drista your mom-"
She bolted up and caught her mom in a tight hug.
"Hey Mom. Hey hey it's alright. We're fine. It's all okay. Don't panic."
She whispered and slowly sat on the ground. Her mom still whispering nonsense.

"Wrong? Dream. His mother already was unhinging about the former kings death. Once he sent them away her greatest nightmare became reality."
Minx's face looked to mine, judging me, studying me.
"You don't know?"

I shook my head.
"The former king, Dream's father, was an abusive and neglective father and husband. So the Queen here wanted to make sure that her children would not end up the same."
She took a bite of an apple.
"But alas Dream endulged the bitterness of his heart and became exactly the evil she sought desperately to replace."

Another whisper rose from the former Queen. Drista was slowly rocking her back and forth.
"It's okay Mom. We're fine."
"She whispers and has panic attacks often now. Especially since seeing Dream at the river."

The door swung open. Y/N walked in. She took a look at Aunt Puffy. Then moved past her to sit by the window. She never looked back.
"Sapnap. Tell us what Karl's latest prediction was."
"What? Y/N Aunt Puf-"
She raised her hand.
"I realise she is having an episode. However we have no time to waste on this. Tell us."

I pinched my nose.
"He said that uhh Tubbo's rule on Lmanberg would be the greatest ever known. That uhhh he would eventually come to defeat the SMP and build one nation."
She clicked.
"Exactly. And that is why I duelled with Technoblade."

She twisted her ring.
"He was making allies. Sure enough he meant to attack three days after my ball."
"How do know that?"
I asked. She ran a hand through her hair.
"Simple. I made my own allies. They spotted Technoblade and Philza around the area. Minx notified me when she snuck in to the tailor's room."

"She snuck into-"
"Yes. With ease. As I was saying. They planned to attack. So my escape was planned well to distract him and divert his forces."
"So you'll save the enemy?"
"Everyone is my enemy."

She took a breath.
"Anyways they have a plan to use Withers to destroy Lmanberg. So either way Dreams I'll take this as a win win."

Trumpets blared.
"Alright Pandas. It's finally time for you to be useful."
I furrowed my brows.
"Have I not already been?"
"Don't be stupid. Drista how's Aunt Puffy?"

They swayed.
"She'll be just fine. Minx you better keep Nymph down until chaos rains."
She jumped onto her toes.
"I'll try. Y/N got some food for me?"
"You just ate a whole apple."
I said.

Y/N tossed her a bagel. She happily ate it.
"Alright misfits. Let's get going."

Burn The World (Sapnap x Reader) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now