Play a Game

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"I'm too busy here. Y/N I beg you just help him out and rest in the captain's cabin for a while."
Aunt Puffy said with tape between her teeth. Drista gagged at her mom's cuts, dabbing lightly.
"Trust me I'm-"
Her motherly glare shut me up,

"Drista, Minx is going to crash."
I grumbled as I made my way to the captain's cabin.
I heard the younger girl starting to panic.
Nick was sent to go and rest as his shoulder had been sliced through. And he must have some burns from the barrel.
My hand was inches away from the door handle.

He saved me.
"You're not special."
I gulped down and turned the knob. The dim light from the lantern glowed the desk with maps and lists of trades from the ship's earlier life. In the corner lay a bed.

Nick had his elbows on his knees, sitting on the edge of the bed. He had pulled his hair into a man bun. His shirt lay open on him, revealing dry blood and his toned body.
I averted my eyes from him.
"You need help asshole?"

"As a matter of fact I do. But I don't know if you' enough to do so."
I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
If I'm not special why did he save me?
I turned and smiled.
"Able enough?"

I slowly made my way towards him. I stood in between his legs. He looked up at me with those hazel eyes. Without thinking much about it I grabbed the regeneration potion and bandage. I sat next to him.
"Move your shirt."
I said a bit too forcefully. He raised his eyebrows.
"Yes ma'am."

I applied the potion to a cloth and dabbed the wound. His breathing hitched at the the contact, or maybe just the burn of the potion.
He told you that you came out wrong.
I lifted my eyes to his for a moment. He was breathing slightly heavier than usual.
"Is it that sore?"
I asked. He shook his head and smiled.
"Sweetheart, it's not the pain."

My heart pounded.
I blinked.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing nothing. Continue."
I shrugged and got the bandage ready.
Shoot I can't get around his arm from here.

My confusion must have shown because the next thing I felt were his strong hands on my waist, pulling him onto his lap.
"Are you that scared of me Y/N? I don't bite.."
He inches closer to my neck, his whispers touching it.
"Not that hard at least."

My heart was in my ears. Nerves alight.
We can't do this!
But my head still slightly lifted, exposing my neck more.
He'll just use you!
He smirked, looking up at me with mischief and lust in his eyes.

"Look at you, I haven't even started ordering you and your body is already obeying."
I felt my spine jolt with nerves at his whispers. My nails were digging into the fabric of the bandage.
"Wanna play a game doll?"
I moved back from him, looking down to see what he was playing at.

"Not particularly, no."
He smiled and shrugged.
"Oh well. You never would have won anyway."
I took advantage of where I sat and grabbed his chin, lifting his gaze right at mine.
"What's the game?"

His grin returned.
"Simple. You need to get my bandage on in two minutes. And you can't get distracted or else you'll fail."
Too easy.
"Fair enough. Start counting asshole."
I quickly placed the first part of the bandage down and wrapped it around his shoulder.

Then I realised what he was gaining as his hands traveled over my thighs, lighting them on fire with his touch. Slow circles on my inner thigh nearly made me squirm.
I twisted the bandage around once more.
Last time. Focus Y/N.

His head fell forward, lips an inch away from my skin. He lightly blew on the skin, the sensation making my skin prickle.
I bit my lip, desperate to not let him know what he was doing.
I started the last wrap. As I leaned forward to do it his lips immediately attacked my neck.

My eyes nearly rolled from feeling him on me. His fingers kept making circles on my thighs. My breathing hitched and my heart was overwhelming my hearing. My head was already leaning up to give him more access before I could think.
As if I wasn't already a mess from him I felt heat build where his fingers lay.
The temperature play lifted me off the edge.

I clipped the bandage quickly and scrambled off him.
I just...let him...
He licked his bottom lip. Stood up and rolled his arms up.
"For a delinquent you did a decent job."
His words didn't even register.
What did I just let happen?!

He must have seen my face. He walked to me, reached for limp hand.
"Hey I'm just joking. Wonderful job Sweetheart."
I yanked away. His hazel eyes filled with worry.
I couldn't finish my sentence before I ran out of the cabin.

Burn The World (Sapnap x Reader) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now