Mourning Reaper

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Sapnap POV

I'm having a nightmare.
This isn't happening. Is it?
"Keep up. Puffy take the left. Nick the right. This is your flare gun. Set them off once you see them."
I rolled the small gun in my hands.

Y/N's eyes glinted in the moon light.
"Trust me you'll know when."
I held onto the spire and looked down. The streets were filled with stores, lanterns hanging on fishing lines in the sky, masses of people in costumes.

"They're dressed up?"
"Yeah. You've never been to one of the celebrations in the city have you?"
Masks and cloaks of various entities strolled and purchased sweets for children who held paper made sceptres and weapons.
"They're celebrating me. But most people tend to thank all their gods and the powers of the SMP."

Her gloves hand pointed to a woman who wore a dress made of elaborate swirls in red and orange. She was dancing with rings of flames on the end of her rods.
"See? She dresses up to thank your Western faction."
"I do."

Now that she pointed them out I could depict them all.
Shimmering scales and water ripples for George's Eastern faction. Jagged lining and puffy clothes depicted Dream's Southern region of air and lightning.

But most prominent was costumes that were covered in dark furs. Some had huge coats. Some held jewels all over their bodies, shining brightly against the street lamps. Most of them had cloaks that covered their faces with furs,long chains hanging out sparkling with fake gems and holding dark plastic scythes.
The Mourning Reaper.

Soldiers were starting to pile into the event. Looking over everyone and taking hoods off. Soon the silver and green were common blotches in the crowd as they searched for us.

"Far right."
Puffy's voice echoed. A blur of F/C overwhelmed the square. Hisses from beside me showed the same colour in the air. I cocked the flare and shot it up.
Those must be the Azure Devils.

Y/N hurled me a coat and a blank mask. Puffy slipped hers on and they both started running back into the chapel.
I hurried after them. They kept to the walls. Puffy stood in front of the back entrance oak door.

Y/N looked to me. Her E/C eyes smiling.
"Keep up rookie."
I rolled mine in response. Puffy managed to unhinged the door. We placed our masks on. Y/N passed a thin invisible fish line to me.
"Hold onto this. Can't let you get all confused."

I tied it around my hand. Then we walked briskly into the chaos.
The mass of F/C was muddling my brain. They all walked fast and in different directions.
Where did she get all these costumes?
A soldier nearly caught me but another Mourning Reaper took my place just in time.

A gun shot sounded from the southern entrance of the square.
There two soldiers started shooting the Mourning Reapers.

Screams rang out and guns started firing. Reapers whipped out pistols while some had swords and fought the soldiers.
We draw their attention to one area.

The fish line tugged and I ran to catch up. The other two Mourning Reapers I was following swiftly made their way to the west entrance.

Just then three horses started running at the opposite side. I felt the string go limp and whipped my head up. Y/N placed her gloves in her pockets.
"What are you doing?"
She gave me a side glare.
You'll do as I say.
The first horse races past. Puffy started running and managed to jump into the saddle.

The next started coming closer. Y/N looked back at me.
"Your turn."
She's insane. She's absolutely out of her mind.
I heard the gunshots in the back.
I could just run back, get help.
But would I really leave her? Would they even think I'm innocent?

I huffed as I started running. The chestnut horse whinnied as it got closer. I stretched out and got ahold of its reigns. I yanked myself up. The horse started racing forward.
I hurriedly looked back to see Y/N.

Her black steed was approaching. She unhitched her scythe.
She started running. The horse got closer. She reached up to the street lamp.
It past her.

"She's not going to make it!"
I shouted. Puffy laughed on her dapple grey.
"You're stupid to think she won't. Keep going."
Just then I saw her. She swung herself using her scythe and landed straight into the saddle, the horse never even lost its stride.

Two soldiers came up behind her, then next to her. Before I shouted again I looked closer. Sure enough one of them had Minx's bold eyeliner.
The other took a package out their hand and threw it over their shoulder.
The trio picked up their pace till they started overtaking us.

One last time I looked back. The entire town square exploded into red and black sparks.

Burn The World (Sapnap x Reader) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now