Best Option

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We made our way into a busy market. Minx slipped some food into her pockets. Puffy scolded her for it and gave the merchants extra coin. Drista ran from the spices to the clothes, dragging her mom everywhere she could.

"Who is they? And why you?"
He said next to me, not bothering to look me in the eyes. He had hardly spoken to me since that night. And a part of me saw the sense in it, knew that it was inevitable. The other part longed for him to gaze at me with his hazel eyes forever, to feel him love me once again.

"Lmanberg. When I left the SMP I came across a town, completely overrun with ruffians and gangs members. I was walking when I saw SMP soldiers drunk out of their minds at the end of my road. So I diverted into an alleyway where I found two grown men trying to...harm a girl."
I touched some fabric. An old lady smiled to me with her gums.

"Fine cloth for a fine lady. I think your husband there would like it."
She whistled in Einx, the language of villages in the mountains.
I smiled, feeling my heart drop at her comment.
"Thank you ma'am. Maybe another time."
I replied in her language. I looked up to Nick's face which furrowed.
"I learnt it about a year ago."

"What did she say?"
He asked. I bit my lip.
"Just that it comes from far away lands,very rare."
He narrowed his eyes but seemed to buy the lie.

"Anyway I cut down one of the men with my scythe. The other however ran at us before I could respond. A thud sounded afterwards, the brute had a throwing knife sticking out of his neck. That's how Minx and I met."
I paid for a chocolate pie and handed it to Nick. He studied intently before tasting it.

"Afterwards we started to sign contracts and deals that gang members thought too risky for their own. Started saving up to take us across the seas. Minx eventually found and fell in love with her fiancé Nihachu."
The soldiers here were drinking and partying from their victory in destroying Lmanberg. Dream and George would be in the castle along with Technoblade and Philza celebrating as well. I still kept an eye out but wasn't too concerned.

"About six months ago I received a letter from Lmanberg's superiors concerning a contract for my skills. That night was also the night that we first discovered Minx's dual personality Nymph. I had been reading the letter when she shifted behind me. I tried to move but she was too quick and sliced open my right hand."
I brought it up so he could see the scar.

"Afterwards I discovered that harming her brought this physco path out of her. So she has scars up her arms from when those times have occurred."

He nodded but I could see his clear distaste for the concept.
"So I took the deal. Because it was the only way I could get enough money for Minx and her fiancé to head over those seas and seek treatment."
He gruffed.
"Never took you as the hero type."
I shrugged.
"I never have been. I don't know if I like the colour."

He turned to a stall and bought an elastic, proceeding to tie his hair into a bun.
"So why do you think you're worthy of becoming queen."
I stretched. I knew he'd ask this question. I had asked it to myself many times.
"Well there are four options for the SMP's king or queen. One of them has had his chance and clearly from the constant wars and lack of wealth in the people, he's blown it."

I smacked Minx's hand away from the apple stall.
"Then there's George who's already untrustworthy because of his love towards Dream making him too easy to manipulate."
We walked down an alleyway which led to the forest around the SMP castle. It's glooming lights dancing like stars.

Drista and Aunt Puffy showed up next to us. Aunt Puffy dug her nails into her hands and started muttering prayers of forgiveness. Drista bounced from one foot to the other desperately trying not to shout a war cry of some sort. Minx wiped her mouth clean of crumbs and hiccuped.
They made their way into the trees. I turned to Nick and looked up at his angry,hazel eyes.

"Then there's you. You've been in ruling for years now. And I know it's not what you desire. You love to fight, even now I can see you itching to throw your blades. You hate to sit in meetings and counsels which will influence your decisions to be dictated and impulsive."
I could see his jaw tense. I gently placed my hand on his face, feeling his growing beard prickle the skin.

"This land can't afford another tyrant, accidental or not. So that leaves me. I can handle counsels. I can fight. And I do not desire the power. I merely accept it for the good of our people."
His hand traced my curves slowly, building a heat between us.

His eyes drank in my body, my legs, my arms till finally my face.
"So you'll be queen? Could I ever convince you to run away with me? To sail those seas and get married in enemy lands?"
He whispered, kissing my ear along my cheek.
I shivered and sighed at the contact.

" another lifetime."
I whispered back before his lips met mine.

Burn The World (Sapnap x Reader) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now