Never Meant It

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Sapnap POV

She ran out. I pinched my nose bridge.
Of course she did.
I'm such an idiot.
I opened the door and walked onto the deck.

The salt from the water entered my nose. Stars twinkled with the sound of the river. Drista and Aunt Puffy were below deck, sleeping and recovering. Minx was somewhere on the ship who knew. Y/N had taken a seat at the very front of the ship. She had tied the ropes around the wheel so it would not move us off course.

I stared at her curled up figure watching the water.
"I want to travel over those seas. I want to explore those vast lands of oceans of sands, those massive caverns."
I stepped closer.
"Leave me alone."
Her voice spoke with the venom I deserved, but I could hear the pain in it as well.

"I'm sorry."
I stated. Her hands came up to her face then back to her lap.
"That's all you have to say? Sorry?"
She spat, standing up. I could see the tear streaks in her beautiful cheeks.
I made her cry.

"You asked me if I regretted what I did. I don't. But it's not because I hate you. It's not because I meant anything I said that day."
She rolled her E/C eyes.
"You called me a freak. Said I came out wrong! How the hell do you expect me to ever forgive you?!"

I desperately wanted to hold her.
But I chose against it.
"I do it to protect you!"
"Protect me?! You mean get rid of, asshole!"
"No! You were right...Clay did say something to me that day."
I stepped closer. At first she nearly stepped away, her confusion and anger evident.

"He...told me that if I didn't find a way to make you leave your rule, he'd kill you."
"We were fifteen, no way he could have-"
"Said that? You're that surprised? He's always been just like his father I just protected you from that!"
Her eyes softened, baby hairs swaying in the wind.

"But it was too late."
"Too late?"
She whispered.I placed my hand under her chin and brought her face to mine. I wiped the tears away.
"Because I started missing you as soon as you ran out those doors and I haven't stopped."

I closed the gap between us and kissed her lips. The sensation filled my body as my hands made their way to her waist. Nerves spiked as she combed her fingers through my curls. I could feel the time spent away from her creeping away as I kissed her.

She pulled away.
I opened my eyes. Her face was lifted with affection, desire. But fear replaced it moments later.
"I...Nick listen this can't-"
I whispered into her ear as I hugged her from behind.

Even now her body responded flawlessly as she leaned back into my good shoulder.
"Please...just fall in love with me for the moment. Forget about the future for the moment."

And so there we stood. All night we stayed in the front of the ship, not talking. Barely moving, just enjoying each other's company.

"I would burn this world for you..."
I whispered into her hair.
"I only need to ask? I know... I've known all my life."

Burn The World (Sapnap x Reader) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now