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"You're sure this is the right way?"
Aunt Puffy slammed us against the wall. Soldiers rushed past.
"I'm following what Sapnap said. If where he speaks of is the right place, we'll get there."

We twisted through cruces and alleys I never knew to exist, Aunt Puffy never losing a beat. It's as if she's got a compass in her head.
The clank of armour sounded from around a corner. I didn't hear it in time.

An arm grabbed me and slammed me up against the wall. I nearly screamed but Nick's face appeared inches away from mine. He placed his fingers on his lips.

The soldiers stopped at the end of the alley.
I'm going to get us caught!
Sapnap kept his hand on my stomach and further pushed me up against the wall.
"You hear something Mekid?"
The one soldier said.
He sounds no older than 16.

"Joel you're getting paranoid again. We're losing the group hurry up!"
Their footsteps grew quieter.
Nick slowly moved his hand.
"No problem. Aunt Puffy?"

"Right just in here. Be careful and quiet. This is the back entrance. Coats up and grab a bag of potatoes or radishes."
I shook my head.
"What why-"
"Do it."
I rolled my eyes but grabbed a sack.

I opened the door to absolute commotion. Pots and flames. Shouts and spices.
The kitchen.
I kept my head down and left the potatoes at the end of the hallway. I slipped my dagger into my hand. Snatched a bagel for Minx, she'll be hungry.

Moving the chaos of gambling, drinking and shouts of the bat I made my way into a corner seat where a man sat, his black cloak covering his face. I noticed another figure at the bar, purple hair.
Minx made it.
Her hand slightly shook showing me that in fact she got injured in the process.

"I apologise my dear for this setting but the king has many spies which I did not have time to uncover."
He smiled, glades glinting his green eyes.
"No worries uncle Halo."

I glanced over him.
"Judging by the hint of pine as well as the constant dart of your eyes to the left I assume that your husband, Uncle Skeppy is here as well."

He chuckled.
"You always were the observant one of the lot. How do your readings go these days?"
"Paused for the moment but they do in fact lead me in my matters ahead."
He nodded slightly.
"Always business. Never peace. Very well my dear what do you need from us?"

I shifted the woven ring on my finger.
"Access to the Nether."

Burn The World (Sapnap x Reader) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now