Rest of the Snacks

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I shouted as I sank my scythe into the ground as the wind tried to blow me off my feet.
A water whip snapped over my back making me lose my grip as the pain took over.

I lost my footing and crashed into Drista. She didn't stop and shoved me back into the fight. She swung her hammer at Philza. I jumped up onto Puffy's shoulders and slammed myself into Dream's side. He crashed to the ground but drew his throwing knives and slashed through my sleeve.

I sent my head straight into his. Moved my elbow so it hit his jaw. He elbow blocked my next hit so I spun and kicked his side. I ducked then chanced another body shot. Wrong move. He took my wrist, slammed me into the ground.
"Gaaaah! No...fair..."
I gasped. Definitely some ribs broken.
His mask smiled down at me.

"About time I snuffed you out."
He said. A lasso of fire cracked at his mask, shattering it. It hissed as the fire made contact with his skin. Burning flesh and his cry filled the air. I scrambled away. Twisted from George's attack, slammed my fist into his neck
Nick took up his position behind me as he whipped at the water. I focused my mind and seconds later my scythe came flying towards me and cut Technoblade's chest on its way.

He grunted, giving Aunt Pufgy an opening to fire her accurate bullets. And arrow shot straight into my bad leg. I buckled over.
Nick looked down to me.
"Shoot. Sweetheart are you okay?"
I lied through my teeth.

I was losing stamina quickly. Drista managed to nick Philza's one wing. Puffy lodged two bullets in either shoulder of Technoblade but the man was still swinging at an ungodly pace. I sliced down as I saw Dream's hand reach to Nick.
Don't let him touch him. He's bonded because of his years in ruling.

A shadow flashed in front of me and tackled George to the ground. Minx. I had cut into her again earlier meaning Nymph was attacking with full force. An axe came straight for my head. I leaned to the left and pushed all my strength into the arm holding the axe.
But instead of cracking the axe turned and sliced near my hip.
"Come on weasel. I expected better."
He sneered.

Crashing water sounded out as Minx was launched into the air. My eyes widened.
"No! No!"
I shouted kicking violently against Dream. Nick whipped around and sent his fire straight at George who sent up a wave to shield himself.

I screamed as I watched Minx's body descend. His hazel eyes met mine then her.
I felt the tears streaking my face. I kicked my leg up into Dream. Square in his stomach. Multiple times but it was no use.

He smashed his axe handle into my head. Ringing filled my ears.
"You should really keep your pretty mouth shut."
He shoved me to the ground again. Brought his hand up. I watched in horror as Minx came to a stop, four floors in the air. The castle lights illuminated her eyeliner and purple hair.

She shouted out. My throat contorted. Technoblade barrelled toward me. I twisted out of the way and sent my scythe to try and fight him.
I snapped my eyes open, letting my fighting scythe drop.

I watched Dream's face, burnt across his nose, pull into a grin.
He crashed his hand downwards and Minx's body collided with the hard ground.
I screamed falling to my knees. Her dulled blue eyes stared back at me.

The battle became a distant noise over my heart pounding.
I never registered the footsteps as they came up to me. Never saw the green cloak or the raised axe.
"We'll get you help over those seas. Trust me."
"I trust you with my life Mourning Reaper."
"And I trust you with mine Phantom."

That's when I felt the axe tear into my tissue, spiking my head and body with whitening blind pain.

Burn The World (Sapnap x Reader) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now