Supposed to Do

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Keep moving.
My feet trudged through the ashen land.
What happened back there?
It was no use. Something was stopping me from using my metal ability. I glanced up to the group in front of me which Nick lead during my episode.

I breathed in, the smell of fire and burnt flesh filling my nose.
"Okay. Head towards the Fortress. Do not disturb any of the beasts there."
I said as I overtook each of them so I could lead. Nick touched my hand. It lit a small fire in my mind. I looked down to it, then to his hazel eyes.

"Sweetheart. Do you need me to do it?"
I slowly pulled my hand away and pulled my frown into a line.
"I'll be fine. Just don't distract me."
What if it is...
The dark red bricks came into view.

"Sapnap you're with Drista and Aunt Puffy. Keep to the higher up pillars and towers. Your goal is to take out as many soldiers as you can. Thin his ranks. And be open about it. Drista...this is the one time I'm allowing you to be loud."
I squeezed her shoulder, seeing the excitement build in her.
"So for Nether sakes make it count."
She grinned and nodded.

Minx strode to my side.
"What's our mission Reaper?"
I tossed her a stale cracker which she happily started eating.
"I'm going to need Nymph."
She choked and looked up to me furious.

"You've lost your mind. Do you want to die? You want her to betray you and kill you? Why the hell would you suggest that?"
"Relax Phantom. In this very particular case I need her...insatiable desire for chaos."

Her eyes pierced mine. Studying me like she always has.
"Please Y/N. Don't let her endulge herself."
I squeezed her hand.
"I'll try my best."
Grunts and armour clanks filled the air. They were nearly here.

An arm whipped me around. I panicked and drew my dagger. I placed it under the person's neck before I realised who it was. Nick smiled playfully.
"Careful there Sweetheart. Don't want to get me all riled up with knife play right before a fight,do you?"
He slowly pulled my hand with the dagger away from his neck.

"What is it?"
I asked with a hint of venom in my voice. I can't afford this distraction. He caressed my cheek before his lips fell onto my ear.
"Gods what am I supposed to do with you?"
He whispered lowly causing my spine to shiver. I lightly pushed away, feeling my heart jumping out of my chest.

"Get into position. I won't ask again."
I said turning away from him. I had no idea when he left, only that his hesitation to do so cut me even deeper than it should have.

I twisted my dagger in hand. Minx extended her arm. I slashed down.
She screamed.

Burn The World (Sapnap x Reader) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now