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"Jeez buddy lay off the energy drinks once in a while!"
I shouted as Techno's blade inched closer to my face as I held my scythe's handle up to stop it.

He gruffed. I slid out the way as it clanged on the platform.
It's not use!
Dream was being an asshole and not giving me full power over my abilities. All I had is more energy.

I scrambled up the next platform.
Think! Think!
A drop hit the top of my head.

I kept low so Techno would have a hard time getting to me.
I looked up. The tallest platform had a waterfall.
Why didn't I notice that before?

I lifted my head. A small dagger shot past me. I dodged right. A sharp pain grew through my side.
The dagger must have some loyalty enchantment.
"You rude piece of bacon."
I spat, ripping his dagger out.

He shrugged slyly.
"At least I'm not a bleeding pincushion."
He swung up to my platform. He charged right so I swung left but he brought his shield up and lodged my scythe in it.

I used my scythe's handle to jump onto his shield. I ripped it out. Using the shield I jumped and fell awkwardly onto the next platform.

Technoblade POV

This little weasel.
I twisted my blade.
Three daggers left.
I climbed the platform. I kept swinging and dealing heavy blows. She may be swift and slippery but she can't match my strength.

My foot slipped.
I glanced down and saw a puddle.
Just then I saw what was behind her: A Waterfall.
She half saluted me before jumping into the current.

I jumped in afterwards. Her figure right below me. Something blinked above me. It fell into the stream there.
What is tha-
She disappeared from underneath me.

I whipped my head up and saw her warp where the object once was.
An Enderpearl, clever.
She rammed into me. I fell out the waterfall and onto the hard cobble ground.

She put all her weight into keeping me down. I was losing vision quick. I knocked her chin with my elbow and pinned her down.


Dream's voice echoed my defeat.

He smiled cockily under his damn mask. Just then Nick entered the arena. He helped me up. I winced as he accidentally rubbed my side. He moved his hand immediately.

"Sorry Y/N."
He said. I looked up to his eyes. At first I thought I saw actual regret but it disappeared soon after. He cleared his throat.
"Sorry that you're still a loser."
I rolled my eyes.

Dream and George came up to us next. The other person from the box came to Technoblade's side. I recognised him.
"Philza...long time no see. Checked on your sons lately?"
I mocked. Currently Tommy was exiled out of the Lmanberg nation. Wilbur his oldest...well let's say he's playing checkers with the devil.

His black wings twitched at my remark. Sapnap flicked my ear. I glared at him but he placed his finger to his lips.
Technoblade tested his bleeding shoulder and thigh.
"I must say Lady Y/N I'm surprised at your...strategy."

He turned to Dream.
"I'm not surprised that your champion was not able to defeat me-"
"Cocky bastard."
I interrupted. They all shot me warning glances.

"However, her ability to come up with plans on the spot, all your abilities to persevere seen in Dream and Sapnap's fight, your creative thinking George with using your arrows to make a ladder and your insatiable desire for victory...we are willing to be your allies."
He extended his hand to Dream who shook it.

He shook each of our hands.
"We will see you all in the near future I'm sure."

Burn The World (Sapnap x Reader) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now