Chapter 29- Selfish

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-Seviathan POV-

I peeked out the window that overlooked the buzzing city. The neon colors pouring into the room, washing over me and my emerald green suit. If I tried, I could briefly see my reflection in the panels of the window. The eyes of my hat also doing the same.

I felt foolish. I, member of a family with high prestige, was waiting for a sinner to come. It had been at best, 10 minutes worth of me standing around, waiting for him to make his grand entrance. Perhaps I wanted to believe myself this was the only reason of resentment I held towards him. Anything to convince me from the truth.

He opened the door with sweet tranquility, it ticked me even more. The rumbles of statics growled as he shut the door close behind him. I didn't turn to look at him, but I could sense the movement of my hat's eyes turning to look at him with a bit of curiosity. He didn't greet me, though he should've. I am, someone of status and power. Besides if I greeted him first, it would only make me grow more as a fool.

"I heard you wanted to see me, though, now that I am standing here, I'm starting to think otherwise." He told me with a chuckle as I heard him plop down in one of the mini sofas that sat in the middle of the room. I was quite taken back by the spaciousness of the room. I suppose the word will then later spread, demons looking for a basic free space to live in. Of course they would take advantage of this.

I let his comment be spoken out loud, so he could sense my anger. Then, I turned to see him, sitting down in a formal manner with his cane sitting on his lap, its eye meeting mine. He didn't bow to me, then again the first encounter we had, he didn't do it as well. I wasn't surprised; Sinners are always so prideful. It's stupid.

"I find my time to be quite worthwhile. I would appreciate it if you don't keep me waiting." I told him, his response was only nodding. No apology whatsoever.

"You sure take your time." I scoff at him with crossed arms. "And in this circumstance, I believe its something we should use wisely."

"I must attend to my obligations first." He replied in a matter of fact tone, with a small smug expression on his face.

"Only when it comes to her, right?" I tell him this while I remember back to when I was watching the live broadcast of the opening in my limo. Charlie.. she was as radiant and bubbly as ever. The appearance of Alastor was apparently significant as it was heard he had a great distaste for the modern media. Which is why it isn't surprising that when he made his grand appearance it was a blur of static, one could not recognize him. The only way to recognize him was well believing, since we could only hear his voice, and his name was mentioned once. I thought this was childish behavior for him if I say so myself. But from the way he sung along side Charlie and how he seemingly was by her side most of the time, one would think the two of them were a pair, who enjoyed each other's company.

"Well, she is rather very special to me. But you're not here to know that. I must say, it wasn't very wise of you to come tonight. Tonight, being the grand night for her and the hotel." He waved his finger at me in a tsk tsk manner. I rolled my eyes at this as I plopped on the sofa across from him. I didn't need someone like him to lecture me.

"Yeah well, I have my own personal affairs to attend to." I told him as I scanned over the room, showing him my dismissive attention.

"Oh knowing you, there is quite a few right?" He said, with a small chuckle.

"Well aren't you a bit ignorant. Due to your contrary belief, I actually have a lot. That is a price to pay when one is very charming and attractive. I suppose you can't relate." I told him, a smirk being able to be heard as I told him this.

"Yes, well, I have standards." He replied as he twirled his cane within his hands.

"Sure you do." I replied sarcastically.

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