Chapter 37- Sidelines

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-Angel POV

~Letters To Charlie~

September 2nd, 1920

Dear Charlie,

Life in New York isn't as bad as I thought it out to be. That is if I ignore my old man's nagging about how I 'manage' things and how they don't follow his own traditions. To be fair though, his traditions involve more violence than I prefer.

The violence doesn't trigger anything as I thought it would be. Guess growing up with it wasn't that bad, but I knew some things could've been avoided if it hadn't played such a large role...

Molly also has been here with me, stuck in the same boat. I'm surprised father agreed to let her be a part of our jobs. But he said that just because she was a woman that was no excuse. Molly didn't seem to complain too much about it as she said that it was better than sitting around being a pretty face with nothing to do. And it also benefits me because she makes everything fun, unlike Jonathan who is so serious all the time.

There are some cute fellows that also make the job bearable. Some are even from the other mafias and it's so romeo and Juliet. Perhaps that's where the love of my life will be.

Enough about me though, I feel like it drains my energy whenever I talk about my life here and how i will carry on the family duty until I die. (Hopefully not after death, I would like to enjoy the life I was robbed from.) I hope the letter finds you well and you're staying your stay at New Orleans. New Orleans surely is a break from where I am, in violence terms I mean. Here at Brooklyn, some random person gets shot every other hour.



September 10th, 1920

Dear Charlie,

Life in New York City isn't really that bad, as I previously stated. The booze here is more plentiful than back in New Orleans, and the parties are even more enormous than before.

I even managed to strike up meeting some quite interesting people. Hopefully they write back.

Apologies for the short letter, but this was pretty much straight to the point. Hopefully you can come see it yourself some day.




September 15th, 1920

Dear Charlie,

It's quite hard to find a moment to myself in which I can confide in you. The other mafia meme bees keep a watchful eye on me, as to make sure I will be a good leader like my old man. Jonathan, is the one that's the most watchful on me. He's asked who you are for like a hundred times. And every time I tell him you also come from a family like ours he always tells me it would be good business. Though I  tell him every time
That your family doesn't necessarily specialize in what we do and rather more on the bootlegging of alcohol.

Molly has seem to taken a liking into our lifestyle, though she doesn't crave blood and violence but seems to be enjoying herself. We haven't grown distant or anything, as she always asks how I am since I'm the one that was most unsure of about this. But she's fine and I also ask her about her well being and she tells me she's fine. I do take her word for it.

I actually have gone through a few fights. Nothing too serious, they're mostly in the alleys, or in bars. I have grown more skillful with a gun. And to be honest with ya, it's kinda satisfying to use one, and seeing the bullet penetrate into the human flesh. Blood spilling out through the immediate act. I think it's white satisfying to look at. But as I mentioned, the fights are nothing too serious. I do now have a few battle scars, I'll be sure to show you when I see you. Which by the way I'm already making plans. It seems like my brief work here will be done more sooner than expected.

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