Chapter 2

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"Do you wanna sign up too?"

Chenle asked Jisung looking as excited as he could be.

"Umm.. I'm not really good at these stuff or anything to be honest, and who would even want to be teams with me?"

"Actually the teams are chosen randomly"

"Oh, what if they don't like me?"

"Don't worry. It's pretty laid back"

"I'm pretty laid back. okay then"

"Yeay! Let's sign up then"

Just then a girl with pink tracksuit and a pink cap came by and Jisung couldn't help but notice her. It looked like she wanted to apply for the competition as well except she needed her friends to do all the work for her.

Are they her minions or something?

Jisung thought. And perhaps Chenle heard him because he said

"That's Lia. She has been my friend since we were five"

Chenle went to greet Lia , leaving Jisung to fill up his form all on his own.

They seem really cozy. Must have been "best friends"

"Hey, you done with the form?"

Chenle asked, with a filled form in one hand and a pen in the other.


"Alright, see you again in three days when they call us"

"Wait! That's it?"

"Yea. What else is there?"

"Umm do you wanna exchange Instagram IDs? In case there's any update on the competition?"

"Sure, why not?"

They exchanged Instagram IDs and went on with their lives.

Chenle actually seems nice. Like his blonde hair and sweet smile makes him so angel-like.

I wonder what time mom's gonna get here.

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A few days later, Jisung received an email about the start-up competition. He didn't know if he was excited or not though. To be honest, the only reason he signed up was because Chenle was so excited about it. Like a child getting a lollipop.

I hope Angel is here soon... Chenle. I meant Chenle.

"Hey, Jisung"

"Chenle. Don't sneak up on me like that"

"Sorry. It was funny though"

"Haha! How have you been?"

"I'm good. Are you excited?"

"Yes but definitely not as excited as you are. You're practically glowing"

Chenle blushed.

"I just really like competitions. They get me all pumped up"

The microphone feedback went off.

"Hello, everyone! Hope you're excited. Welcome to EcoThink! Our third start-up competition in Seoul National University"

"Wow! This is a huge thing here huh?"

"Yea, either that or SNU just always hypes stuff up"

As soon as they announced the groups, Chenle and Jisung immediately started looking around.

Yellow? Is that my team?

"What colour did you get?"

Jisung asked Chenle whose eyes was already scouting for his teammates.

"Yellow. You?"

"Same! We're teammates!"

Along with Chenle and Jisung, there were four other people who claimed that they were in the Yellow team; Jaemin, Ryujin, Yeji and Lia.

Oh, great! She's in our team too?

Jisung thought referring to a short girl with black hair and gold highlights a.k.a Lia.

She looks sweet.

Jisung was now referring to a girl with black hair and striking pink highlights just when she yelled at a girl with short blonde hair.


"Yeji?! What are you doing here?"

the latter said.

"What do you mean? I go here. I thought you moved to Canada"

"Well, my family moved back a year ago. So, here I am"

"Good to see you, I guess"

"Uhh.. you too"

That's awkward. I might be wrong but I'm sensing some kinda past here.

"Okay... let's introduce ourselves first. I'll start. I'm Park Jisung. And I just moved here from US, in case you guys were wondering about the accent. I'm in my sophomore year in Business Administration"

Jisung attempted to subside the awkwardness but barely managed to

"Hi, my name is Zhong Chenle. I'm a sophomore in BA too. Nice to meet all of you"

"I'm Lia. I'm a sophomore in Accounting and Finance so I'll be managing the finance of the company that we're going to start. So yall have nothing to worry about"

So cocky

Jisung can't help but roll his eyes subtly.

"Hello everyone. My name is Shin Ryujin and I'm a sophomore in Accounting and Finance as well actually"

Ryujin said giving Lia the stink eyes.

"Hey, I'm Yeji. I'm a sophomore too. I'm in Business Economics. Hope we can get along well and win this thing"

The rest of the group lightly cheered along to that.

I like her enthusiasm.

Everyone turned to the guy in a black hoodie and sweat pants, who remained quiet the entire time. He slowly looked up from his phone and spoke.

"Jaemin. Digital media. Sophomore"

Wow, he's a talker.

Silence. Just as it was about to get awkward again, the deafening noise of the microphone feedback resonated through the room.

"Okay. I trust that most of you have got to know your teammates by now. Now, what you have to do for the next three days is come up with a business plan. Prepare to present your plan along with the implementation strategies and budget proposal. You'll have to present this in front of a group of SNU lecturers during the Presentation Day which will take place in three days"

"Everyone clear?"

Nobody made a sound.

"I'll take that as a sign that everyone understood. Now, get to work. Good luck"

Chenle, who seemed like the least clueless one, immediately turned to the group and said,

"So... what do yall wanna do?"

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