Chapter 13

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"Oh my god! Thank you so much guys. I can't believe we're actually going to US," Chenle said to the his friends. 

The group of five are currently going over their business plan before submitting to the committee for finalisation. They are discussing at an empty classroom. 

"I bet it's going to be cold there. It's still January. I gotta go shopping for winter clothes," Ryujin exclaimed. 

"Me too. Let's go together," Yeji invited Ryujin. 

"Guys, calm down. It's just for two weeks and we're going next month. That's plenty of time," Jisung said. 

"Easy for you to say. You lived there," Jaemin finally joined the conversation. 

"Ohhh... are you gonna miss your boyfriend?" Ryujin teased him. 

"What are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend," 

"Come on, Jaemin. I saw Jeno walking you home yesterday. You guys look cute together," Ryujin replied to which Jaemin blushed profusely. 

"Anyways... is there anything else yall wanna add into the our framework? Seulgi said we can still add on ideas once we open up our business there but it'll have to be included under continuous efforts instead of establishment efforts," Chenle briefed them. 

 "I think it looks good for now. Just submit to the committee and see what they say. They'll be helping us perfect our business strategies before the competition anyways," Jisung suggested. 

"Sure sounds good," 

When they were finally done with the draft for the business plan, Yeji, Ryujin and Jaemin left for class leaving Jisung and Chenle alone. 

"Do you have any classes now?" Jisung tried to lighten the atmosphere. 

"Nope. You?" 


"Umm... are we gonna talk about it?" 

"About what?" 

"The kiss," Chenle's cheeks turned pink as soon as he heard that. 

"It.. it was just a kiss," Chenle replied trying to hide his face behind the books he was now carrying. 

"Are you sure? It didn't feel that way to me," Jisung tried to read the other's expression. 

Chenle sighed before saying "Jisung, look. I really like you but I can't afford to have distractions right now," 

Jisung was confused, "What do you mean? What am I distracting you from?" 

"It's just that I have strict parents and I don't wanna disappoint them," 

"Chenle... you could never disappoint anyone. Besides, you're already an over-achiever. What more would your parents ask for?" 

Something about the way Jisung was looking at him right now made Chenle wanna forget about his parents. Forget about everyone else. Forget about the world. It made him wish there were only two people in the world; himself and the person in front of him. 

Chenle turned his head to face the ground. 

"Tell me you don't feel the same way and I'll stop right here," Jisung said lifting Chenle's chin to face him. 

Chenle took a minute to just admire the boy's features. His eyes. Those orbs that shine inside of them. His lips. The ones he wish he could taste again. He finally spoke. 

"Fuck it!" 

Chenle grabbed Jisung's collar and pulled him into a kiss. Jisung responded immediately by wrapping his arm around the boy's tiny waist and tilting his head slightly. 

They kissed passionately. This time was different from the night at the bar. This time they both knew exactly what they wanted. 

Jisung tried to dominate the kiss by licking Chenle's bottom lips. Chenle didn't fight back. He let him insert his tongue as their tongues intertwined. When the were both finally out of breath, they pulled away panting. 

"Does this mean you feel the same?," Jisung said. 

Chenle nodded shyly, avoiding Jisung's eye contact. 

"You like me too?" 

"Yes, dummy" 

"As more than friends?" 

Chenle was growing impatient with Jisung's obliviousness. He took a deep breath before saying, 

"Yes! I like you, Park Jisung! I wanna be more than just friends. Happy?" 

Somehow hearing the words come out of his mouth made both of them feel some kinda way. Jisung wore a satisfied smirk while looking at the smaller. 


Yeji's POV 

After Yeji and Ryujin walked Jaemin to his new home a.k.a Jeno's convenient store, they were on the way home as both of them lived close by. 

Well... this is awkward. We haven't been alone since that night. The night I confessed. 

"I'm really craving tteokbokki right now," Yeji said as she saw a snack stall. 

/Because I'm craving tteokbokki/ 

"Me too. Let's have some," 

"Can we have two plates of tteokbokki, please?" Yeji asked the stall owner. 


The stall owner handed Yeji her order and went on the entertain other customers while Yeji and Ryujin ate their food beside the stall. 

"Careful! It's hot," Ryujin told Yeji as the girl was about to put the whole tteok in her mouth. 

Just as Ryujin said that, Yeji was reminded of the night she got drunk. 

"Careful! It's hot. The toast will soak up the alcohol. Maybe you got drunk easily cause you drank on an empty stomach," 

"What am I gonna do with you, Yeji? First, you tell me that you felt abandoned when I was gone. Now, you tell me that you like me," 

"Yeji!" Ryujin called out to the girl that was still in her flash back. 


"What's wrong? I thought you were craving tteokbokki," 

"No, it's not that. I just remembered something," Yeji blurted out, still in a daze. 

"What is it?" 

"It's nothing," 

As soon as the pair finished their food, they returned home. They are currently standing in front of Yeji's house. 

"Are you okay with going home alone?" Yeji asked in a concerned tone. 

"Of course I am. I'm Ryujin. Nobody's gonna harm me," the both giggled. 

"Hey, before you go, do you remember anything from that night?" Ryujin asked. 

Somehow Yeji understood what she was talking about as the events of that night kept playing on her mind since her recovery of the memory earlier. 

"I do. Do you?" 


Ryujin didn't really know what to say without making things more awkward than it already is, if that's possible. 

"I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye," Yeji said, trying to escape the conversation. 


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