Chapter 21

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"Aespa! Congratulations on being the Champions of Eco Thinkers 2020" 

The group of five could see the fellow contingent members radiating pure happiness. They were genuinely proud of them as they deserved it after coming up with something people only imagined. However, they couldn't help but feel a bit sad. 

"I'm happy for them," Ryujin voiced as soon as they were on their way back to their hotel from the competition venue. The rest nodded in agreement. 

" I can't believe our country is the champions this year. This is huge," Yeji joined. 

"You know what? It doesn't matter who the judges thought were the best. We will always be number 1 in my heart," Jisung expressed, attempting to break the sad aura surrounding them. 

"Please don't say something that corny again," Jaemin eyed Jisung, briefely peeling his eyes off his phone screen. 

"As if you were any better. Did you forget your little outburst earlier?" Yeji shot at Jaemin while Ryujin looked at her proud.

"You're really learning fast huh?"

Meanwhile, Jisung who wasn't very much interested in the silly argument wondered why the boy beside him was awfully quiet. He looked over his shoulder to see Chenle pondering on whether to send a text to someone.

"Who you texting?" Jisung asked, leaning closer to Chenle but Chenle just moved away and slipped his phone into his pocket. Luckily, Jisung got a glimpse of who it was. 


 Only then did he recall the incident that took place earlier. 

"Are you still thinking about it?" 

"What else do you want me to do, Jisung? My own brother. My own flesh and blood betrayed me. He was canoodling with my worst enemy behind my back. After hearing about how much I hate him and want nothing do to with him," 

"Canoodling? Really?" Jisung chuckled but didn't get a similar response from his boyfriend so he realised that now is not the time. 

"Chenle, babe. Don't you think you're over-reacting? From what you told me, it was a feud when you were kids. Isn't it silly to hold a grudge against Haechan when it has been years?" Jisung tried to calm the other but it obviously wasn't working as Chenle only got more furious. 

"Are you calling me silly? Sure, I'm the petty one. Everyone else is as innocent as a lamb. Are you on his side too now? Do you want to sleep with Haechan too?" Chenle spit out. 

"Hey! How could you say that?" Jisung was visibly hurt. Never once did he thought those words would come out his sweet lover. 

"I'll give you some space to get your thoughts sorted. Come to me when you're not trying to raise hell," 

With that, Jisung left to join the rest of his friends who were meters away by now. Chenle froze in place. 



Ryujin and Yeji were packing up their stuff in their hotel room when Ryujin sneaked up on her girlfriend and back-hugged her. 

"Ryujin..." Yeji whined. 

"We should really finish packing," 

"We're not leaving for another 3 hours. The flights at night. We have plenty of time to..." Ryujin trailed off. 

"To what?" Yeji asked with a raised eyebrow, now facing the other. 

"To... you know, do whatever you want?" 

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