Life as transfer student from the US at SNU in Korea from Jisung's perspective. How he joins a friend group of five each with their own story.
Expect Chensung, Ryeji, Nomin and Markhyuck
"What time are they starting the announcement? Is it okay if I make a phone call first?" Jaemin asked a group that were preoccupied with their own handphones.
"Are you gonna call Jeno again?"
"You have been calling him a lot lately. Don't tell me you miss your precious boyfriend already,"
"We are going back tomorrow anyways. I bet Jaemin's going to run to his boyfriend's arms,"
His friends grilled him and he had enough.
"You know what? I am! I am going to call Jeno because I love him so much. Unlike you guys, we are quite expressive with our emotions. So if it bothers you that I miss my boyfriend while yall are hanging out with your significant others, suck it up," Jaemin said, sassily.
The group fell silent. Speechless.
"Baby... Did you mean that?" a voice from the other side of the line could be heard as Jaemin accidently put him on speaker during his outburst.
"J-Jeno! Oh shit! Uhh... you weren't supposed to hear that" Jaemin stuttered while walking out of the auditorium with his phone.
"Wow! I am pretty annoying, aren't I?" Ryujin broke the silence.
"Nahh, he's just nervous. But he is right though. Chenle, how come we don't call each other by pet names or anything cute like that?" Jisung asked.
"We don't need them. We are cute already," Chenle replied and Jisung blushed visibly while the Ryujin and Yeji snickered.
"Ryujin, quick! Check if I have Diabetes. Cause it's too sweet," Yeji mocked and the pair did a high-five.
Just then, the microphone feedback sounded.
"Hey everyone. Welcome back! We are so happy to see all of you so excited for the announcement but we will have to ask you wait 20 to 30 minutes," Johnny, the MC for the day said apologetically.
The crowd groaned.
"We're extremely sorry for the inconvenience. Hope you can be patient,"
Chenle was scrolling through Instagram while waiting when he came across the most shocking news.
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full_sun I like his beard
Haechan had posted a picture of Mark and himself in Mark's bedroom which he deleted in a few seconds. Unfortunately, Chenle had already seen it before it was deleted.
"What's wrong, boo?" Jisung asked sensing distress. Chenle was in too much shock to realise the little pet name so he let it slight. Chenle showed Jisung the picture which was immediately deleted but Jisung caught a glimpse of who it was.
"It might be for a project?" Jisung tried to dissolve the situation.
"They're in different faculties and batches,"
Jisung knew how much Chenle resented Haechan. The worse part wasn't that they might be dating. It was the fact that they have been hiding all this time. The immediate deletion of the post is proof of that.
"Maybe it's not what it looks like," Regardless of what it looked like, Jisung tried to convince Chenle that it wasn't what he was thinking. Obviously, those efforts were useless as Chenle was too shaken by his new discovery to notice that the MC was preparing for the winners announcement.
"Hey, everyone. Finally, the moment all of you have been waiting for is finally here. Get ready to be crowned the Champion of Eco Thinkers 2021!" Johnny announced.
Yeji went to call Jaemin from outside the auditorium.
"Jaemin! They're announcing the winners! Hurry,"
"Jeno, I gotta go. They're announcing the winners. Wish me luck!"
"Alright, Nana. Good luck! You guys are gonna win, no doubt,"
"Okay, uhh.... bye!" Jaemin hug up as fast as he could, hesitating to say it at first but deciding against it.
When he entered the auditorium, there was pin-drop silence.
Jaemin immediately went to his friends and held hands as they were already announcing the winners.
"The 3rd place goes to... Hetorade from the University of New Zealand!"
The little group at the corner of the room jumped from their seats.
The MC gave them some time to celebrate their victory before announcing the 2nd place and the Champion.
"The second place, on a 0.5 margin from the Champions goes to..."
"Humatrons from Peking University, China!"
"Last but certainly not the least, the time you all have been waiting for. Will you be able to claim title of the Champions of Eco Thinkers?"
All five of the members of Ecofy were drenched in nervousness. They didn't know what to expect but they subconsciously had their hopes up.