Chapter 7

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"Without wasting anymore time, the teams that are proceeding to Stage 2 are..."

Jisung, Chenle, Ryujin, Yeji and Jaemin felt their heart rates accelerating. The rest of the team names were blurred out in the minds. They were in ultra focus until the MC announced,

"... Ecofy!..."

They jumped out in unison. While the rest of the group were all happy to proceed to the next stage, Chenle was particularly happy because he had wanted this for so long.

As soon as the qualifying teams were announced, they were briefed on the requirements for Stage 2.

"For Stage 2 of Eco Thinkers, you'll have to run your business for a minimum of two weeks under the supervision of some of our facilitators at Eco Thinkers,"

"Great! There's more people now?" Jaemin mumbled.

"Collect as much data from the process and present it to us in Stage 3 which will take place three weeks from now. At this stage, we'll consider inviting investors to sit in on your presentation in case they are interested in funding your business,"

"Okay now that's a big deal," Jisung commented.

"The catch here is that teams that are not in compliance to our rules in Stage 2 will be immediately eliminated. For that purpose, please read up the rules on Eco Thinkers' Business Management on the handbook given," the MC spoke as a group of facilitators handed over pamphlets to the teams.

"That's it for now. Good luck!"

Just as the team was about to leave to discuss on their strategy for Stage 2, a tall middle-aged lady approached them.

"Hello, guys. I'm Seulgi and I'll be your facilitator,"

"Hi Seulgi" they all greeted the pretty lady.

Seulgi explained the rules in the handbook and got a gist of what their business is about. They all decided to meet up at the venue the next day to discuss on the setting up their business.


Yeji's POV

I shouldn't have lashed out at Ryujin yesterday. I think I don't forgive for what she did five years ago. I really want to but it's just so hard to forgive someone who abandoned you out of the blue.

Yeji kept thinking about how much she regretted the way she talked to Ryujn while getting ready in the morning. She got a sandwich to go and bit her mom goodbye before heading off.

"Mom! I'm heading to class now,"

"Okay, honey. Take care"

Would it help if I bump into her again today? It seemed to be happening a lot especially in the morning.

As Yeji arrived at her campus, she couldn't help but wish Ryujin was there too. Thankfully, she was and the two of them met accidentally on purpose in front of the library.

"Hey," Yeji said awkwardly.


"Listen... can we talk?"


They sat down at a quiet place away from the people who were actually studying there.

"I understand what you're feeling and I have no rights to disregard that," Ryujin started.

"Thank you... but I was wrong to lash out on you like that. I really thought I had forgiven you for abandoning me all those years after we promised to be best friends. Turns out it's not easy to forget something like that,"

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