Chapter 16

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Jisung was about to ring the doorbell when he saw the front door opening. 

"Come in," Chenle said. 

Chenle brought Jisung to his room. The second they entered the room Jisung collapsed into Chenle's arms crying. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Chenle asked with the softest voice Jisung has ever heard. 

"It.. it's my mom. She.. she's drinking again," Jisung managed to voice out. 

"She started drinking when my father left and now she's starting it again. I thought she was over him, Chenle. I thought getting a thousand miles from home would help us start over. Why won't he leave mom and I alone?" 

"Shh... it's okay. You're okay now," Chenle tried to comfort the other at least until he stopped crying and sat him down on his bed. 

"Now tell me what happened," 

 "My dad contacted mom. He asked me to visit him when I go to the States next week," Jisung explained calmer now. 

"And you don't want to?" 

"Of course not. He cheated on mom. He never deserved a woman like her. I bet he wants to get to her through me," 

"Jisung, have you considered that maybe your father just misses you?" 

"No, that's absurd. Why would he miss me?" 

"Because you're his son. Has he ever did anything to you that made you hate him?" Chenle tried to talk some sense into the boy. 

"No... but he cheated on mom. That must mean that he didn't care about me," 

"I know it's not my place to say this but people make mistakes. Adults too. Your parents must have thought that it's best that they separate but they're still your parents. They still love you," 

Jisung was speechless. All this while he has been hating his father because that was much easier than dealing with the mess he made. As a kid, he never imagined his parents be divorce although they do fight a lot. But he knows that he is all that they have left. 

"How are you so wise?" Jisung asked, breaking the silence. 

"Cause I'm Zhong Chenle," Chenle replied cheekily to which the other giggled. 



"Will you come with me to visit my father?" Jisung asked, pleadingly. 

Chenle gave him a wide smile before replying, "Of course I will. Anything for my boyfriend," 

Jisung was taken by surprise. It was their first time calling each other boyfriends. 

"Boyfriend? Really?" Jisung asked, wide-eyed. 

"Yea..." Chenle blushed, realization finally hitting him. 

Jisung kissed him on both sides of his cheeks and his forehead. 

"Stop... " 


"You're leaving tomorrow..." Jeno said with a pout.

The two boys are currently in Jaemin's room. His mom is out on a business trip as usual along with his dad. Jaemin is lying on his bed scrolling through Tiktok while Jeno is lying on Jaemin's belly staring into the ceiling. Jeno has been feeling down since finding out that his boyfriend is going to leaving for the States for two weeks. 

"Hmm... what about it? Do you want anything?" Jaemin replied, his eyes fixated on his phone. 

"No... I just don't want you to leave," Jeno hugged the other's torso. 

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