Chapter 4

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Yeji's POV

Hope today's a good day. Haven't had one of those in a while.

"Hey, mom. Do you think you can drop me off earlier today?"

"Sure, honey. Why though?"

"I'm working on my part of the start up competition with a friend"

"Ooohh... What's his name?"

"Why do you assume its a 'he'? But its Jaemin" Yeji said, trying to mask her offense.

"Is he nice? You met him during the competition?"

"Mom! He's just a groupmate. I'm not interested in him"

"Just tryna be excited for you. But sure. Whatever you say" Mrs Hwang said in a singing tone while winking.

She's so oblivious.

As soon as Yeji reached the university, she started looking for the cafe that Jaemin told her they would meet at.

Wait, isn't that Ryujin? Better not run into her. She probably doesn't remember but I have never forgotten what had happened.

"Hey, Jaemin"

"Hi! Wanna get started?"

"Sure. What have you done so far?"

"I'm setting up the website for our company first. Since most people prefer to shop online since the pandemic, I thought we should make our company online first before renting a premise"

"That's a great idea. Although we only have to worry about the premise in Stage 2. Are you including this in our presentation?"

"Yea! I thought we would include screenshots of the website in the slide so that Chenle and Jisung find it easier to present"

"Hmm... for the marketing strategy, I think we should consider an opening sales but I'll have to discuss with the finance team about that"

"Hey guys. Sorry I was just getting a drink. So what have you guys done?" the girl walked up to the two.

"Hi. Yeji, I forgot to mention that Ryujin will be joining us", Jaemin said.

"Ohh, that's fine. Hi, Ryujin. Jaemin was just saying how he's creating a website for our company so that we can start off online"

"That's brilliant. That way we can save up on establishment costs" 

"Yup! And I was thinking about having an opening sales right here at the campus for marketing"

"Would you like me to include that in our budget?" Ryujin asked Yeji. 

"Yup, that would be nice" Yeji replied and slightly blushed. 

Urghh stop it, Yeji. Hope nobody saw that. 

I shouldn't be like this. Not after what she did to me. 

The group of three went on with their discussion when Ryujin suddenly asked, 

"Jaemin, no offense but how come you didn't say much at the meeting yesterday? You seem to be more confident with us" 

"Well... I don't like talking in a group" 

"Are you sure that was the reason? Not because perhaps you like Lia?" 

"What?! No! I don't like Lia. If anything I would be attracted to Chenle or Jisung" Jaemin blurted out before realising what he said. 

"Hey, I like girls too"

Wait, what? Since when? 

"Ryujin, you do know that lesbians and gays have less in common that straight people right?" 

"I do but just so you know" 

"Anyways... what do you guys think about the products that we can include?" Yeji tried to change the subject. 

And so the group went on with the discussion. 


Jisung's POV

What should I wear to go see Chenle today? Should I go with my everyday outfit? Should I change things up? What if he doesn't like it? Why do I care about what he likes? Urgh.. 

"Mom! I'm going to meet my friend to talk about the competition now"

"Alright, honey!" 

(Jisung went with his usually outfit, in case you were wondering)

Chenle and Jisung met up at a McDonald's outside of campus. 

"Hey, Chenle. Do you wanna order food first?" 

"Sure. Just get me whatever that you're having" 

Jisung came back to the table with a full tray. 

"Wow! You ordered a lot" 

"I have a big appetite", Jisung said with a shrug. 

"Are you eating fries with ice cream?!" Chenle asked, slightly disgusted. 

"You have never done it before? It's delicious. Try it" 

Jisung fed Chenle a fry that he dipped into his ice cream. 

"Hmm.. it is delicious. If I knew this, I would've ate at McDonald's sooner" Chenle said. 

"You've never eaten here before?"

"There was once when I was eight, this boy gave me McDonald's fries. That's it. Mom doesn't let me eat out so often"  

"Somebody's a mama's boy" 

"Hey! I'm not!" Chenle exclaimed, his cheeks turning bright red which only became worse when Jisung started teasing Chenle by pinching his cheeks.  

"Enough wasting time. Let's get started on the script for the presentation" Chenle said sternly. 

Two hours later, they were bought out of ideas and decided to call it a day. Jisung offered to walk Chenle home which Chenle accepted defeatedly after trying to reject three times. 

"So... what do your parents do?" Jisung tried to break the silence. 

"Mom's a surgeon. Dad is a lawyer" 

"Oh, I'm surprised they let you take BA"

"It was my decision. Although they objected it, along with other decisions, I just have to make up for it by achieving things", Chenle said looking down. 

"Hey, they're parents. It's what they do right?" Jisung tried to cheer him up. 

"What about your parents?" 

"My mom's something they call an auditor. And my dad is an accountant"

"Oh, I see you come from a business inclined family. They must work together well" Chenle commented. 

"Not really. Considering they are divorced" 

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said that" 

"Nah, it's fine. It was a year ago but I'm over it now" Jisung said, trying his best not to let the mood down. 

"Anyways, what do you during this time? Before the competition?"

"I'll usually be studying at the library" 

"Wanna do that tomorrow then? Oh, but we still have the competition. After this ends then? Is it too early for that?" Jisung started blabbering. 

"Sure, why not?" Chenle just responded with a smile. 

That smile. The smile that make me feel weird. Like there's something in my stomach. Why is he so cute? It's not fair. 

The next day, Chenle called for a meeting for the competition before classes started at 7am.

"We have bad news" 

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