A horror

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It was now the next day and it was now night time. Wyatt was still doing the Faro game and still had Morgan by him. Doc was there too and was playing the piano with you sitting beside him. Doc really seemed to enjoy having you by his side and also enjoyed your crazy personality and sarcasm. He played the piano so beautifully even though he was drunk. You had a drink too but your not as much of a drinker anyways. Only socially.

There were cowboys inside the Saloon and they started to make you uncomfortable. "What's she doin' with that lunger" was a question one of them asked to each other. Doc could feel your nervousness and gave you a smirk to have you focus on him. "Hey" a cowboy said and you could hear how drunk he was by the sound of his voice. "Hey! Is that "Old Dog Trey"? That sounds like "Old Dog Trey" to me" a cowboy said to Doc.

"Pardon" Doc asked.

"You know, Stephen Foster. "Oh! Susanna". "Camptown races". Stephen stinkin' Foster"!

"Uh, yes, well, this happens to be a nocturne".

"A which"?

"You know, Fredrick fucking Chopin". You couldn't help but laugh and Doc gave you another smirk. "Hey! Pretty lady" the cowboy said to you. "Whatcha doin' with him? Come with me" he said with his slurred speech. Wyatt and Morgan jerked their heads over and could see that the cowboy was indeed talking to you. Doc didn't look over, he just smirked and kept on playing the piano. "I'm good" you said dismissively.

"Mm-hmm, I bet" he said and then licked his lips. Doc stopped playing the piano and put an arm around you as Wyatt and Morgan quickly stood up. "Leave her alone, boy" Wyatt threatened.

"Oh! She belong to you" he asked.

"Get away from me, you dumb son-of-a-bitch"! Doc looked over now and the cowboy only laughed and tried to slap you but he was so drunk he fell over onto the bar. He got back up and saw that Doc had his hand on his gun and even though the cowboy was drunk, he knew that Doc was being serious and backed off. Doc gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze and went back to playing the piano. Only two minutes went by and you all heard gunshots coming from outside on the streets.

It made you jump and no one else seemed to be fazed by it until Sheriff Behan came inside. "Do you see what's goin' on in the street? Someone's gotta do somethin'".

"I believe your the sheriff" the Mayor said.

"No, no, no, no. This is not county buisness. This is a town matter. Marshall" Sheriff Behan said.

"Why don't you just leave it alone" Wyatt suggested.

"No, I, uh... I gotta do somethin'" Fred White said in a defeated tone. You all could hear the assailant yelling in glee and you could tell it was one of the cowboys by the sound of his voice. Fred White left the Saloon to take care of it and you, being curious, got up and followed after him to watch at the doorway. It was the cowboy known as Bill and he was shooting his gun all over the place, looking like he was high as a kite. Fred took out his gun and called out to him to get his attention.

"Curly Bill"!

Bill turned around and saw Fred. Fred walked over to him cautiously and still aimed his gun at him. "Come on now".

"Well, howdy, Fred" Bill said like nothing was wrong.

"Hand those over, Curly. Hand 'em over". Bill looked at his guns like he was about to make a big decision and only laughed. "Why, sure, dad". You tried not to laugh at that but that was kinda funny. "I'm only funnin'. Here you go". Fred had holstered his gun and reached for the guns but what happened next had scarred you. Bill had shot Fred White through the chest and you screamed in terror. Everyone in the bar heard you and Wyatt quickly got up and rushed over to you. He didn't have to ask and drew his gun as he ran towards Bill and pistol whipped him.

I'm your huckleberry (Tombstone 1993) (Doc Holliday X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now