I'm here

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The next day at Henry Hooker's Ranch was nerve-wracking. McMasters still hadn't returned and you and the others were getting nervous on where he was. As you all sat on the porch and while Doc was resting, something was spotted up ahead. A rider who was dragging something on his lasso. You all stood up and Henry Hooker asked, "What the hell is that"? The rider stopped his horse and dropped his lasso, leaving the thing he was dragging on the ground and looked at all of you before riding off. Without thinking, you sprinted off towards this object and Wyatt, Creek Johnson and Texas Jack followed after you.

Once you came closer, it was revealed to be the burnt and torn up corpse of McMasters. You screamed and Texas Jack said, "They got McMasters"! You started to tear up and choked on your sobs and Wyatt took you by the shoulders to hold you close. "Ringo wanted to make sure he got your attention, marshall" the cowboy yelled so you all could hear him. "He wants a straight-up fight, just you and him, to settle this thing once and for all. Oak Grove at the mouth of Silver Springs Canyon, 7:00"!

The cowboy rode off and then Wyatt released your shoulders and yelled back, "You tell him I'll be there"!

"Are you crazy" Creek Johnson asked but was cut off by Wyatt.

"I'll be there"! Wyatt looked back at McMasters corpse and then held you again. "It's not finished". Wyatt then led you back to the house and informed Hooker about what happened and when Hooker saw how distressed you looked, his generosity was extended to allow you all to stay longer, which was greatly appreciated but you all couldn't. Doc had awoken after some time and was informed of McMasters death. It didn't seem to faze him but on the inside, he wasn't happy. Wyatt knew just how fast and powerful Doc was and started to ask him for advice of taking out Ringo.

"I spent my whole life not knowin' what I wanted outta life, just chasin' my tail" Wyatt said to you and Doc. "Now for the first time I know exactly what I want", you and Doc looked at Wyatt, "and who. And that's the damnable misery of it". Doc looked away from Wyatt and took a hold of your hand. Wyatt walked towards the door and stopped, thinking hardly. "What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does"?

"A man like Ringo... got a great empty hole right through the middle of him. He can never kill enough or steal enough or inflict enough pain to ever fill it".

"What does he need"?


"For what"?

It took Doc a moment but he answered with this small statement. "Bein' born". Wyatt looked back at Doc and came over to sit beside you. Wyatt gave you a quick glance and looked to Doc. "It all happened so fast with Curly Bill I didn't have time to think about it but I've had plenty of time to think about this. I can't beat him, can I"?

"No" Doc replied. Wyatt understood, gave you a gentle pat on the shoulder and stood up to leave. "Wait" Doc said leaning up and coughed. "I'm goin' with ya". Doc then coughed harder and you gently pushed back into the bed. "No, Doc. Please, I'm not letting you hurt yourself". Doc was groaning in pain and tried to protest but you repeated the fact that you wouldn't let him hurt himself any longer. "Oh God" Doc said in pain and you started to rub his forehead to soothe him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Wyatt".

"It's alright, Doc".

Doc opened his eyes and eyed Wyatts marshall badge. "What's it like to wear one of those"? Wyatt looked to his badge and took it off. "Give it to her, Wyatt". You looked back at Doc surprised and Wyatt didn't even hesitate. Wyatt held out the badge for you to take but you questioned him quickly. "Wait, why"?

"You deserve it" Doc said.

"After everythin' you've done for us, it seems fair. Take it. Please" Wyatt said. You took the badge and held it like it was a precious jewel. "After all, (y/n)" Wyatt said, "You're the toughest woman I've ever met. You were born to wear it" Wyatt said proudly. You stood up and hugged him tightly and he returned the embrace and he held onto you tightly. He didn't know if he would survive the gunfight that was coming his way but he wanted to make sure he did a proper farewell to his best friends. You both stopped hugging and and you sat back down beside Doc. "How's it feel" Doc asked.

"It feels life changing" you said proudly. You looked to both of them and thanked them and they both gave you a gentle smile in return. Wyatt started to leave but looked back to see you two, for, hopefully not, the last time. Creek Johnson and Texas Jack were already mounted up and waiting for Wyatt and as Wyatt mounted up, he shared a concerned look with Henry Hooker. "Don't worry. They want 'em, they gotta come over us first". Hooker then held out his hand and the two men shook hands as Wyatt and the other two then followed after him as he rode off. You were seated beside Doc and as you looked at the badge, it truly was something to behold.

As you examined it, you thought of all the things that the cowboys had done. They killed your friends, harassed you and made life horrible for people. You clenched the badge and then had the look of determination. You knew what had to be done and you knew YOU were going to accomplish it.

Author's notes:

OK. Another chapter completed. I hope you all enjoyed! This story has almost reached it's end. After this chapter, there's only three chapters left. I hope you'll stick around for the ending.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

I'm your huckleberry (Tombstone 1993) (Doc Holliday X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now