Hooker Ranch

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After some time, you were all riding to the next place but something was seen off in the distance. It was a bunch of riders and it was hard to tell if they were cowboys so McMasters took out his eyeglass to get a better look. "Ringo and Behan are out in front. There's about thirty of 'em. They're all wearing badges".

"Christ" Wyatt said under his breath, knowing that he and the others didn't stand a chance if they attacked. You were mounted on Sylvie and next to Doc and Wyatt when you heard Doc coughing again and when you looked over, his mouth was covered in blood. You gasped and when Wyatt looked over and saw what you saw, he quickly got off his horse and went to his side, just in time to catch him from falling off his horse. You quickly got off Sylvie and went to his side to. He was unconscious. "What do we do" you asked.

"We need a place to hole up. I'll check our map and see what's nearby" Wyatt said as he stood up to do said task, leaving you by Docs side. Luckily, there was a place nearby called "Hooker Ranch" owned by a man named Henry Hooker. After getting Doc back up on his horse and Wyatt taking the reins of Docs horse so Doc wouldn't have to control the horse, you all rode off to the ranch. After the short ride to the ranch, three man came out to speak to you all. "Is this "Henry Hooker's Ranch"" Wyatt asked.

"That's right. And I'm Hooker".

"We got a sick man and our horses are done in" Wyatt replied, hoping that Hooker would allow him and you all to hole up for the time being. "Put him up at my place" Hooker replied, "As long as it's just tonight".

"We're indebt to ya". Hooker turned his horse around and led you all to his house. After tying the horses to the posts and helping Doc into Hooker's bed, it was made clear just how messed up he was getting. "I know you boys and lady have got to keep movin', but he looks pretty bad to me" Hooker said. Doc was struggling to breathe and was shaking badly. You sat down beside him and heard the others leave the room but Wyatt stood and observed Doc for a moment. Just then, the sound of more horses were heard approaching the house and Hooker went to see who it was.

After Doc managed to finally get some sleep, you took a look out the window and saw none other than Josephine and her fellow actors. "Hey Wyatt" you said annoyingly to get his attention, "Your girlfriend's outside".

"What" he laughed as he came over and saw Josephine. He went outside and Hooker informed them that, "They got held up, and their boss actor got killed. They came here to water their horses, then they'll push on". Wyatt looked over and both he and Josephine locked eyes. They were happy to see each other again. You were listening in on their conversation and couldn't help but smile at this. "I'm sorry about your friend" Wyatt said, "And I'm-- I'm sorry that I--"

"I forgave you the moment you said it" Josephine replied with a smile.

"You did? Well... thank you".

"All set" McMasters said to Josephine. "I have to go" Josephine said after redirecting her attention back to Wyatt. As she took a couple steps towards the stagecoach, Wyatt stopped her. "Wait". She looked back at him but none of them said a word but the looks in their eyes said a thousand words. Wyatt loved Josephine, there was no denying that and it was also undeniable that Josephine loved Wyatt. None of them uttered another word as Josephine got back into the stagecoach and continued to look at Wyatt. As the stagecoach rode off further and further away, the distance between him and Josephine was very difficult to stomach.

Wyatt came back inside and saw that Doc was still asleep and you were still beside him. "I need some air" you said standing up. You and Wyatt went back outside and could hear that McMasters was about to head out, much to the disapproval of the others but McMasters had no fear. As he rode off, you had a gut wrenching feeling that something bad was about going happen but nothing escaped past your lips. You and Wyatt sat with the others and just focused on what the next move would be. It was obvious that Johnny Ringo had to die but who would do it was the biggest question.

Doc is too sick and that was the biggest problem at the moment. Hooker could see how difficult this all was and was generous enough to let you all stay longer, which made you bomb rush him in a hug, which he was completely unprepared for but he still accepted it. As Wyatt watched you hug Hooker, it made him remember how you were when he and his brothers and wives discovered you. Clueless but knowledgeable, funny but serious, innocent and not so innocent. He, his brothers and Doc have certainly molded you into a completely different woman but that one second of purity and love made Wyatt remember his promise and made him see that even though your not from this time, you still hold a special place in his heart and even in Doc's heart.

Author's notes:

OK. Another chapter completed. I hope you all enjoyed! I now have a new phone and now updates can go back to their normal schedule! YAY!

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

I'm your huckleberry (Tombstone 1993) (Doc Holliday X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now