A warning

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Morgan and Virgil were at the jail and allowed Ike Clanton to leave with two other cowboys but there were more out front. After Morgan and Wyatt were taking Doc back to his hotel last night, the cowboy known as Ike Clanton had pulled out his gun to make a threatening statement about the Earps. But he was quickly shut down by Virgil pistol whipping him and taking him to jail for the night. It was now the next morning. "You gonna give Ike back his guns" one of the cowboys demanded.

"Not 'til he sobers up" Virgil added.

"Wearin' that badge don't make you right. The hell you think you are"? The cowboys left and Morgan and Virgil walked out as well to see the same cowboy bump into Wyatt. "Watch the way you walk, you stupid bastard"!

"Easy, kid, I'm sorry" Wyatt said calmly. The cowboy then got up in his face. "I ain't easy and I ain't your kid. You take your sorry and shove it up your ass. I'll fight you right now"! The cowboy then flashed a gun on his belt which Wyatt quickly took and pistol whipped him and gave the gun to Morgan. As the cowboy was lifted up to his feet, Ike was on his horse and approached them. "Goddamnit. You're gonna bleed. You got a fight comin'. Comin' today". They all rode off but Billy then shouted, "You bastards! We're comin' for you and your whore friend"!

They knew who he was talking about and they weren't nervous for their well being, they were nervous for you. "Where is she now" Wyatt asked.

"She should still be with Doc at the hotel" Morgan replied.

"Good" Wyatt said. "As long as she's there, she's safe".

You ended up staying at the hotel with Doc the whole night and Wyatt had said he would ask for the doctor to show up to check on him. The chair wasn't comfortable but that didn't matter. You woke up and saw that Doc was still asleep. You didn't want to disturb him and got up to stretch your arms and legs out. You still had some more water by the bedside and decided to take a drink. It tasted odd, definitely not what your used to but it was still manageable.

As you straightened yourself out, you could see Doc's eyes open and he looked a bit surprised to see you. "Good morning" you said as you got another cloth wet to dap his forehead. "You were here all night"?

"I sure was".

"You know you shouldn't have".

"Well" you put the cloth away once he was cooled and sweat free, "I care too much about you to not care". Doc stared at you and slowly reached out to place a hand on your cheek. "What have I done to have a beautiful woman by my side" he asked softly. You smiled and you were about to lean in to kiss him but a sudden knock at the door halted your movement. You went to answer the door and saw a man in a grey suit with a briefcase. He explained that he was the doctor and that he was here to examine Doc.

You let him in and he began his procedure but Doc asked you to go be outside on the balcony since he didn't want you to hear what he was saying, but you still listened in. What Doc was experiencing was something you really wish you knew about.


They usually referred it as "consumption" or referring someone as "lunger". Doc knew you heard him say tuberculosis and assumed you would not be around him anymore. "Your conditions quite advanced" the doctor said as he finished up his procedure. "I'd say you lost some 60% of your lung tissue, maybe more".

"What's the verdict" Doc asked.

"Two years. Two days, hard to say. Your smokin', your drinkin', your gamblin', your night life. You need complete rest". You started to make your way back inside to ask a question. "What I mean is, you must attempt to, uh, deny your, uh, martial impulse". Doc then saw you coming back inside and said to the doctor, "Get out of my sight". You wanted to ask your question but the doctor left before you could. Once he was gone, you stood there with your arms crossed. "Tuberculosis"?

"Don't say anything, darlin'. I know you must now despise me".

"I don't despise you. I just don't know why you didn't tell me about it". You got closer to the bedside.

"I didn't want to worry you or drag you down". Doc tried to lean up but you quickly placed a hand on his chest and let him lay back down gently. "Easy". Doc could see how much you truly cared for him and was amazed by it. "Truth is, when I first saw you, I felt somethin' different. An urge. A call". You sat down on the edge of the bed and kept listening to him. "I found out your from a time I can't imagine but that wasn't the answer. But when I look at you now, it's strong".

"I feel the same". You gently took his hand. "God, I wish you were from the future. I know there's a cure for this".

"Is there" he asked a bit shocked.

"Yeah. I think it's been around for awhile. If I ever go back, would you go with me"? Doc only seemed to think of what that kind of life would consist of. From what you explained, it sounded relaxing but stressful. Advanced but still no different. New and exciting things dominated all but old things still had their place in the world. "That's a lot to take in, darlin'".

"I know but if I ever go back, I hope you'd come with me".

"I don't know, but any life with you is a life well spent". You felt so touched by his words but then felt his hand release yours and gently grasp on your leg. "Darlin', may I kiss you"?

"You didn't even have to ask". You two then slowly leaned in but another knock at the door made you two start to get annoyed. "Jesus"! You got up and answered the door to see someone you never met and they explained that something bad was about to happen. Apparently the Clanton brothers and McLaury brothers, who are cowboys, are now gunnin' for Doc and the Earps. But you as well. Hearing this, Doc rose up and threw his clothes on. "What are you doing? Where are you going" you asked.

"To take care of this".

"I'm coming too"! Doc was about to dimiss that offer but you quickly backed yourself up. "Hey, I know I can do this. You taught me enough to shoot and aim a gun. You said it yourself too! Remember? "Any fool with a finger can shoot a gun". Remember that? I'm coming and that's final"! Doc wanted to say no but then saw that look of determination and didn't dare himself to stop you. "If you must, but afterwards, you and me must make up for what was taken away from us". He threw his jacket on. "Twice".

You smiled at him and said, "I'm lookin' forward to it"! He smiled and you followed him out to find the Earps. You knew that what was about to happen would not be a pretty sight but they have been there for you and did so much for you. This is the least you can do for them.

Authors notes:

Ok, another chapter. If you've seen the movie, then you know what'll happen next. If you haven't seen the movie, then what are you doing here? Go watch it and then come back here. Your spoiling yourself!

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

I'm your huckleberry (Tombstone 1993) (Doc Holliday X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now