Johnny Ringo

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All that was happening made you start to enjoy the night life here in Tombstone. Everyone was drinking and enjoying themselves. Doc had gotten you a drink and you stood next to him while Wyatt was dealing the Faro table. He was doing a great job with earning more money at each game. "Well, were in the money buisness now" Wyatt said as he was counting his deeds at the bar. "Were turnin' into regular tycoons". Both you and Doc and Morgan were with him. "Think I'll call this one the Mattie Blalock. Mattie'd get a kick outta that one. That's her maiden name".

"And what a maiden. Pure as the driven snow, I'm sure" Doc said and then taking a drink.

"Hey, Doc, come on".

"It's just his style Morg" Wyatt said, "He doesn't mean anything". Wyatt had finished counting his deeds and you all made your way to another section of the bar through the crowd with Doc making sure you were right beside him. "Tell me something, my friend. I'm curious. Do you actually consider yourself a married man, forsaking all others" Doc asked to Wyatt.

"Yeah, pretty much. I mean, I was no angel when we met, but neither was she. People can change, Doc. Sooner or later, you gotta grow up".

"Where the hell is the fun in that" you asked. They all just quietly laughed at that remark. They all did automatically agree that growing up was essential but it also meant losing some things. "I see" Doc said, "And what would you do if she walked in here" Doc asked to Wyatt.


"You know damn well who I mean. That that dusky-hued lady satan, that's who".

"Oh, I'd probably ignore her".

"Ignore her"?

"I'd ignore her" Wyatt clarified. "People can change Doc".

"I'll remember you said that" Doc said and then clinked his glass to Wyatt's glass. Wyatt was confused and was about to ask what he was talking about but then heard clapping and cheering. You all turned to look and it was the same woman who played the devil in the play wearing a nice silver dress. "Aw hell" you heard Wyatt utter.

"Oh, watch this, Morgan. This'll be hilarious" you said getting close to him with your newly poured drink. Morgan watched as the actress was being danced around the room and stopped right in front of you four. She smiled at Wyatt, gave a bow and asked for a dance. But all Wyatt did was turn away from her to see you and Morgan watching all this. The actress looked a bit upset at that but Sheriff Behan had approached her from behind and offered her a drink, to which she gladly accepted.

"Satisfied" Wyatt asked to Doc.

"I stand corrected, Wyatt. You're an oak".

You all started to make your way back to the Faro table and you whispered to Morgan, "I can see he wants to get in her pants, so badly". Morgan immediately started laughing and caught the attention of Wyatt and Doc. He wheezed for a moment and couldn't believe you said that. "What's wrong" Wyatt asked.

"Nothin'. Nothin'" Morgan replied and finally got his breath back. "What did she do" Wyatt asked annoyed. You played the innocent game. "I didn't do anything".

"Oh, I'm sure you didn't" he said sarcastically as you continued onward with you and Morgan silently laughing with each other. Once you all got back to the Faro table, more of the actor's had come inside the Saloon and they were cheered for their performances. It wasn't until a few cowboys came inside that things got a bit intense. A man had approached the Faro table and had asked for Wyatt Earps autograph. Just when Wyatt handed it back to the man, a cowboy had snatched the autograph and made the man back off.

"Wyatt Earp, huh? Heard of you".

Another cowboy came over to the Faro table and got close to his face to be all intimidating. "Listen now, Mr. Kansas law dog. Law don't go around here, savvy"?

I'm your huckleberry (Tombstone 1993) (Doc Holliday X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now