No normal life

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For so long, you didn't know what to do with your life and just went along with a lot of things without putting too much thought into the little things. But after years of being in the past and having so much happen was a real life expierence that flipped your whole world upside down. But now, you felt so empty inside. After the Vendetta ride ended, Doc wanted to settle down with you and continue his poker playing and drinking, much to the disapproval of you. Docs tuberculosis was getting worse and worse as time went on, to the point that he had to get treatment. After fifty-seven days of Doc staying in the Glenwood Springs Sanatorium, you could feel death was close by. You and Wyatt were once again entering inside to see Doc.

You had a dark feeling that this may be the last time you'll ever see him. Wyatt could feel your nervous energy and gave you a reassuring look. Even though you've became a very tough woman and lost some of your innocence, he still held onto his promise. The promise that he, Doc and his brothers made years ago. Protecting you at all costs. That promise definitely had something to do with you still keeping some innocence. As you and Wyatt walked down the short hallway, the last bed had Doc laying there, looking lifeless with a priest standing beside the bed, praying for him.

As you both approached the bed, the priest gave you both a sad look and shook his head. It was time. Both you and Wyatt sat down which got Doc's attention and he opened his eyes. "Hello, Wyatt. Darlin'. Father Feeney and I were just investigating the mysteries of the church of Rome. It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds".

"You're no hypocrite, Doc" Wyatt replied. "You just like to sound like one. I brought you somethin'". Wyatt was carrying a small book and slipped it underneath his hands for him. "Well, let's see" Wyatt said as he then opened a drawer in a dresser that was next to the bed. "Where are we today? I'm $17 down to you. Two bits a hand, stud"? Wyatt then pulled out a small deck of cards. "You both keep comin' back here. I told you both not to, and I meant it" Doc said.

"You and (y/n) are the only people I can afford to lose anymore" Wyatt replied which made you and Doc look to him. "How we feelin' today, Doc"? You then felt Docs hand gently grasp your hand.

"I'm dyin'. How are you"?

"Pretty much the same".

"How are you, darlin'" Doc asked you. You didn't want to think about the fact that Doc was indeed dying but there was no way to avoid it. "Sad" you said quietly but loud enough for him and Wyatt to hear. "So now we add self pity to our list of frailties-"

"Alright, Doc" Wyatt said quickly. "Alright, how many cards do you want"?

"I don't want to play anymore" Doc replied a bit sadly. Wyatt looked saddened by that but still asked, "How many" and placed some cards in Doc's hands. "Damn you" Doc said. "You're the most fallible, stubborn, self-deluded, bull headed man I've ever met in my life".

"I call" Wyatt said amd checked Doc's cards after showing his hand and said that Doc won. "Yet with all, you and (y/n) are the only people in my entire life who ever gave me hope". You and Wyatt felt surprised by this but for the both of you, it was also sad. "I thought I was in love once. My first cousin. She was 15. We were both so".

"That's good, Doc" Wyatt said. "That's good but you still have (y/n)".

"What happened" you asked.

"She joined a convent over the affair. I thought she was all I wanted, but I have you, darlin'". Doc very weakly tried to reach for your hand but you gave it to him so he wouldn't have to reach. "Wyatt, what did you want"?

"Just to live a normal life".

"There's no normal life, Wyatt. There's just life. Now get on with it".

"Don't know how".

"Sure you do. Say goodbye to me. Go grab that spirited actress and make her your own. Take that beauty and run, and don't look back. Live every second. Live right up to the hilt. Live, Wyatt. Live for me". You were having tears forming in your eyes and stray tear fell from Doc's eye. "Darlin'"?


"Stay beside me. I want to spend my final seconds with you".

"Of course".

"Wyatt? If you were ever my friend, if you ever had even the slightest feelin' for me, leave now. Leave now, please"? Wyatt didn't want to leave his best friends behind but knew that Doc was right. Sadly, Wyatt stood up slowly but you released Doc's hand to grab Wyatt's shoulder. "Wyatt"? Wyatt looked to you and awaited to what you had to say but you quickly enveloped him in a strong hug, to which he didn't hesitate to return. "Remember what I said you and me are" you asked while crying.

"How could I forget? You and me... besties forever". When you both let go, Wyatt gently wiped your tears away and said this powerful message. "I lived through many dangerous things and met many strange people, but you (y/n)... your the best, strange and dangerous thing I've ever met. If we ever meet again, my promise will still live on for you". You smiled at him and he couldn't help but caress your cheek so delicately which was a nice action. You sat down beside Doc and you both looked to Wyatt. "Thanks for always bein' there, you two".

You both nodded and then Wyatt left you two alone. "Darlin'"?


"I thought about your offer. Seein' the future".


"I wish I could've seen it but I have the best thing the future could provide. You". Hearing that made you smile and you placed your hand on his arm. Doc smiled to you and finally said the statement you've been longing to hear from him. "I love you, darlin'". That statement blew your heart up in happiness and with tears in your eyes, you replied with, "I love you too! I always will"! Doc still smiled and without hesitation you leaned down and shared a tender kiss with your soulmate and you could tell he enjoyed every second of it. The kiss ended too soon but that was only because life was slipping away from Doc. Doc took a moment to look at his feet and said quietly, "I'll be damned. This is funny". It was then that Doc went still and a final breath was released from his lips and his body went cold. "Doc? DOC!? DOC"!!!!

You rested your head on his now cold arm and sobbed helplessly but something felt odd. It was as if you were floating and time stood still. As you continued sobbing, the hardness of the wooden seat was replaced with a soft and warm surface and Doc's arm was replaced with a pillow. Time had advanced. You were no longer in the 1880's... you are back in 2021.

Author's notes:

OK. Another chapter completed. I hope you all enjoyed! Don't worry! This is not the final chapter, the next one is the final chapter!

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

I'm your huckleberry (Tombstone 1993) (Doc Holliday X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now