Your health is more important

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Now that the new law was passed, things in Tombstone were getting tense. The cowboys were looking more distant and angrier but the innocents were feeling a bit safer walking down the street now. You did too. Right now, you were with Doc at the Oriental Saloon and you were so exhausted. You showed up ten hours ago and he was still gambling, apparently for thirty-six hours hours straight. You tried to get him to stop and go to bed but he wouldn't budge. Both Morgan and Virgil were there and they could see how exhausted you were. You kept yourself awake by having Doc talk to you and listening to the woman singing, who you've come to learn was the actress that Wyatt was infatuated with named Josephine Marcus.

Morgan suggested that you should go back to the cottages but when three cowboys came in to challenge Doc, Doc sweet talked you into staying to watch him lay waste to them and because he hadn't seen you in a bit. He was growing closer and closer to you. At this point, he was showing off to you. But what he was also showing off by mistake was his coughing. He was coughing and continuously putting a white handkerchief up to his mouth. You asked if he was ok but he didn't say much about it other than, "I'm alright, darlin'".

Some time went by and Wyatt had showed up to the Saloon and Morgan went to him to tell him what was going on. Wyatt understood and came over to see Doc. "Wyatt, just in time. Pull up a chair".

"Doc" Wyatt said as he came over at his side. "You been hittin' it awful hard, haven't ya"?

"Nonsense. I've not yet begun to defile myself". You sat in between Doc and Morgan and Wyatt could see how exhausted you were. "Listen" Wyatt said to Doc, "I was wonderin' if you wouldn't wanna go on over to the Crystal Palace-"

"I will not be pawed at, thank you very much".

"I'm sorry".

"I tried to get him to stop but he won't listen to me" you said.

"No one can make him" Wyatt said. Wyatt then pulled up a chair beside Doc to sit for awhile. While Doc poured himself another drink, "Hey, you've been called" the cowboy known as Ike Clanton said to Doc. Doc drank his drink and flipped his cards over and acted like it was a mistake but he was only kidding since he won, yet again. "Oops". He laughed and was about to pull the pile of money towards him but Ike quickly grabbed his hand. "What is that now? That 12 hands in a row, Holliday? Son of a bitch, nobody's that lucky".

"Why, Ike, whatever do you mean" Doc asked confused but he was very drunk.

"Take it easy, boys" Virgil said as he was leaning up against the bar drinking. Doc pulled the money towards him and motioned for you to get his bag. "Maybe poker's just not your game, Ike".

"Oh, I know" you said getting all their attention. "Let's have a spelling contest"! Doc and Morgan started laughing and Ike was about to grab you but Wyatt and Virgil quickly stopped him. "How 'bout if I just wring your scrawny neck" Ike threatened you.

"Enough, Ike" Virgil said getting in front of him so he wouldn't hurt you or anyone. "Are you takin' his and her part? Huh? I'm the one who got cheated! You goddamn pimps! Y'all in it together. You and your whore".

"Say what now" you said.

"Nobody's in anything, Ike. You're drunk, go on home and sleep it off". Virgil tried to then gently push him out the door but Ike then yelled, "Get your goddamn hands off me"! His outburst startled you and you tried to back up to hide but Doc quickly put a hand on yours to reassure you. "Don't you ever put your hands on me, see? Don't you ever try to manhandle a cowboy, 'cause we'll cut her damn heart out. You understand me, you pimp-"

"Don't you threaten her you little son of a bitch" Virgil threatened and looked like he was about to strike him but Wyatt quickly got up to keep Virgil back and the two other cowboys quickly stood up too. "Come on, easy, Virg, easy! You just go on home and forget about it, huh, Ike"?

I'm your huckleberry (Tombstone 1993) (Doc Holliday X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now