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(Santana's POV)

"You gotta go" I gently nudge Zoe awake as I rush around my room trying to find my sweats that were torn off me in the midst of all the sex last night. "Hmm, just 10 more minutes?" she croaks out. "No not 10 minutes, now" I say peeling the covers off her. Zoe grabs me by the waist, pulling me on top of her as she attacks my neck with her lips. "No seriously, I've got glam in 5 ready for an interview." I plea not very convincingly as I subconsciously begin to grind against her thigh. Zoe's hands find there way down to my ass, she grips tightly and helps my thrusts, we really start to get into it. The fact Quinn & Kurt would be knocking on my hotel room door any minute now conveniently leaves my mind and I allow myself to be consumed by utter pleasure.

"Santana, are you awa-...OH!" I quickly roll off Zoe and wrap myself tightly in the sheets as I see a mortified Quinn walking into the room. "God...um...sorry...I can come-I can come back" Quinn gets all flustered and looks anywhere else but us. "No, you stay. I gotta go" Zoe shamelessly climbs out of the bed stark naked, milling around looking for her clothes. "Oh great, I'm glad you are already up. I'm thinking a smokey- OH MY GOD! YOU'RE NAKED!" Kurt walks in and looks up from his phone to be met by the naked girl that I have spent the night with. "Ah here are my clothes" Zoe finds her garments and heads into the bathroom to get changed. "Hey um...think you could chuck me a robe?" I ask Kurt who's eyes are closed so tight I think he might explode. Porcelain stumbles around for my robe before tossing it my way.

"See you later gorgeous" Zoe returns from changing and plants a long sweet kiss on my lips. "Kurt, Quinn, great to see you guys again" she says as she leaves my room. "Yeah g-great to see you too" Kurt says, still not being able to make eye contact. As soon as they hear the door close behind her, they both glare at me as I slip into my robe. "I see some habits can't be kicked?" Quinn says a little disgusted. "What stick you got up your ass? Rachel not give you any last night?" I say as I take a seat in front of the mirror ready for these two to work their magic. "Don't make this about me. Seriously Santana, that situation...it's toxic" she says as she begins to brush through my hair. "Toxic? How so..it's just sex" I chide. "Oh come on Santana, you pretend you're okay with it. But us two of all people know all you want is to find someone to settle down with" Kurt interrupts. I remain silent. "So what look are we going for? I hear Cate is going for a red lip...I want a red lip too." I decide to get off the subject of my sex/love life.


90 minutes later my hair and makeup are done and I am stood in front of a rail full of designer clothes trying to decide what to wear. My phone starts buzzing on the bed. "Kurt, can you get that for me please?" I ask as I flick through all the couture outfits. "Honey, it's Cate. She's FaceTiming you" Kurt hands me my phone and I accept the FaceTime call.

"Hey Gorge!"

"Hey Santana! You're makeup looks flawless, note the red lip. Love it"

"Thought we should kick ass and match today. Anyway, whats up?"

"What are you wearing for this junket thing? I don't know whether to go pant suit, or jumpsuit?"

"I was just thinking the same thing. It's not like it's a panel on The Hollywood Reporter. It's E!"

I show Cate this red jumpsuit option that has caught my eye.

"YES YES YES! That's it, you have to wear that. Ryan Seacrest is going to be drooling all over you"

"Hmm shame he isn't my type"

"I gotta go gorgeous, but I'll see you out there. Bye!"


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