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(Brittany's POV)

"I got off the plane" I cry out through my gentle sobs. Santana surges forward and crashes her lips into mine, to which I don't protest. My emotions are caught in a whirlwind. Hours ago I had somewhat mentally prepared to leave this life, I had said my goodbyes and I was going back to Washington to be with Sam. Seeing Santana in the airport completely threw me off, there was so much I wanted to say in those moments, but I couldn't. I was paralysed by shock and possibly by fear. Fear of admitting what I actually wanted, or should I say who I actually wanted. I got on the plane and debated right up until takeoff whether I should get off the plane or not. I replayed the airport scene in my head over and over again. Santana is not someone who shows her emotions easy when it comes to relationships. It's clear she has been hurt numerous times. But she sprinted 109 gates in god knows what time, just to tell me to stay. It's what I wanted her to say when I said my goodbyes in the first place. But regardless of her poor timing, she found the courage to do it. And now I am here, staying and with her...


(On the plane)

"Good evening miss, may I see your ticket?" A friendly flight attendant flashes me a pearly white smile, holding her hand out to see my ticket, which I give her. "Okay, Miss Pierce you are in 34C. Straight down here and it's to the left. Aisle seat." she says handing me my ticket back. I pretend I have heard what she has just said to me, but my mind is in the clouds at the events that have just taken place. But I am sure I am doing the right thing by going back to Sam. I just need this plane to take off before I overthink this and change my mind. Still, I find my seat and settle in. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. I would like to give you a warm welcome and thank you for choosing Delta Airlines to fly with to Washington on this fine summer's evening. I would like to apologise to you folks, the plane has been grounded for another half an hour due to fuel checks. But we will be up in the air in no time. So sit down relax, choose your inflight movie and enjoy a complimentary drink on us." The pilot had a sexy southern accent as he spoke over the tannoy. I find myself annoyed that there has been a delay. This means I have more time to dwell on Santana. Ugh! I go to turn my phone off as Sam rings me.

"Hey Britt, you on the plane?"

"Yeah, I'm delayed though. Something about fuel checks, I don't know..."

"Oh, that sucks! You delayed by much?"

"Half hour"

"You okay? You sound...weird?"

"I'm fine Sam"

"Ummmm are you sure? You can tell me if something is up"

"Sam, I said I'm fine"

"Okay, don't snap at me. I was only asking."

"I wasn't snapping Sam, I haven't even left Atlanta yet. Let's not get into anything before I am even with you."

"Brittany, I am busy and tired okay. Don't start...please?"

"I'm sorry...you're busy, yet you rang me? Why are you starting something?"

"I'm not. I am just saying Britt I haven't got time for petty bickering."

"Petty...great. Do you know what...I'm not doing this. I can't do this"

"What are you on about?"

"Coming back to Washington. It's going to be the same, why would it be any different?"

"I don't understand-"

"You always do this, you call me or start a conversation with me and when I seem just a little off you start something and then blame me and turn it on me saying I am starting shit and that you're too busy for it. I'm not doing it again..."

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